Diversifying Arcane Weaponry/Armour/Items
0 |
Fallen Enchantress |
[0.95] Bug-Looping counter attack between short spears and candlecloak
1 |
FE Beta |
[0.95][Bug] Unable to end turn!
5 |
FE Beta |
Another [0.95] First Impression
0 |
FE Beta |
[.915 Bug] Stacking Burning Blade?
7 |
FE Beta |
[0.91 Bug] Crash when I try to talk to guy from point menu
0 |
FE Beta |
Small Enchanting and City Suggestions, come discuss!
3 |
FE Beta |
[Bug] Right clicking fire shard causes crash.
0 |
FE Beta |
v1.19i now glitchier and slower then older versions?
2 |
WOM Support |
Champion Enhancement.
16 |
WOM Ideas |
[Warrior Heroes?/Heroes in General]
1 |
WOM Ideas |
[1.08] Infinite Turn Skipping
2 |
WOM Support |
[1.08b] Sion x3 Damage Ability Crashing Game
3 |
WOM Support |
Creating Darkling/Sion Units?
6 |
War of Magic |