So far, so good.
Clearly a beta, but already more fun that WoM ever was for me.
Love initiative! Thank you!
Love creating my own faction.
Honestly, I played for nearly three hours last night which is more than I played WoM at any one stretch of time. Oh, and it didn't crash once (I probably have a machine similar to the devs.. yippee!)
AI seems to expand pretty quickly...well, more likely I'm really really slow.
Love the variety of equipment you can pick up. It was nice to have to pick between the sword that gave me +initiative and Dex vs. staff that gave me spell mastery +2.
Love that I lost my ear after I lost a battle. Though I must say that game got tough pretty quickly, so there's incentive to pump out troops.
really like the enemies so far (graphics and variety wise)
Love that caravans, even after being attacked, continue to spawn and start going again with only temp loss of whatever bennies you were getting instead of having to build another caravan.
Haven't really done anything diplomacy wise and I was going broke from simply building anything/everything.
Love random map
Though, to be fair WoM was soooo bad that this inevitably will look amazing, so I'm trying to tone down my exictement. But hell, it's already fun and I'm looking forward to playing it tonight and take it seriously.
As long as they keep polishing it and keep adding more and more content.. it's already something I can see myself playing for a while seeing as I'm not even close to a powergamer and could care less about exact and perfect balance. I just want something that's fun and stable and mostly balanced.
Oh, and I got syphilis from the game (trying to avoid using cancer like everyone else! )