I'm actually kind of sad that the beta is over and it is going to be released, but because there is still SO much work that needs to be done. Granted, I have rarely been able to ever play longer than 10 minutes without it crashing, so I haven't seen much of what there is...
My main concern is that the graphics are nice and all, but still totally unusable. By unusable, I mean that zoomed all the way out to the cloth map is still the only way to play, as only in that view are you able to tell at a glance what tiles are what. Zoomed in, it is a clusterfuck; I still can't tell what is what. Makes me sad. The best graphics in the world are useless if the art design is such that everything is totally unintelligible.
Hopefully that will be addressed in the 'magic' patch between now and release, but I don't think so. Shoot, I'd settle for the game to not crash at this point.
Quoting PrawnWonton, reply 11My main concern is that the graphics are nice and all, but still totally unusable. By unusable, I mean that zoomed all the way out to the cloth map is still the only way to play, as only in that view are you able to tell at a glance what tiles are what. Zoomed in, it is a clusterfuck; I still can't tell what is what. Makes me sad. The best graphics in the world are useless if the art design is such that everything is totally unintelligible.
Hopefully that will be addressed in the 'magic' patch between now and release, but I don't think so. Shoot, I'd settle for the game to not crash at this point.
Hrm...the little I played in the beta (I limited my time with it to keep the game fresh for release) I did not have a lot of trouble telling what was what while zoomed in? Sure I had to mouse over things a little to pull up the tooltips, but that doesn't seem like a problem to me. I mean if I was really exploring a world and saw something off in the distance, I would not immediately know exactly what it was? When I focused my attention on it, I would probably see better what it was...I kinda figure that is what I am doing by mousing over something I see for the first time (taking a closer look)...it makes me feel more like I am really exploring?
Even with as little as I played the beta, after I see something a couple/few times, I knew what they are without having to mouse over them though...that's more than good enough for me?
What I mean is that in other games, it is pretty intuitive what you are looking at. Look at other games with an overhead world-view. In Elemental, zoomed in, I don't know what I'm looking at. Are those trees? Is that a rock or a pouch I can get goodies from? Is that an interactive thing or what? I have no idea. I have to hover my mouse over every single square. Zoomed out, this is not an issue. The cloth map provides everything you need to know instantly at a glance. Being forced to play the game zoomed out like that kind of defeats the purpose of having any graphics at all.
Look at Civilization, or HOMM, or Disciples, or AOW, or old school Warlords, or any other game with a world map. At a glance, I know exactly what is going on. I know the terrain features, where the goodies are, where to go, where not to go, etc. In Elemental, this is not the case. Unless you zoom out all the way, there is no way to get any information other than hovering your mouse over everything, and praying that you didn't miss anything important.
But, like I said, the game crashes so frequently, I have been unable to put a lot of time into it. Maybe I'm crazy, or going blind or something. I'm just a little sad that it is getting rushed out the door when there is a lot of work still to do. (and I don't even mean just graphics)