Playing the latest version of LH with the latest loot DLC. I experienced to annoying things with this playthrough (playing on the lowest difficulty).
1)Was playing with Relias, who had a poisoned sword via a poison sac. I was fighting a troll army. I whittled the troll's health down to one using a variety of ways. Being cruel, I passed on all my turns, waiting for his turn to come around so that he could die from poisoning without me having to strike him again. His turn came and he hit me and remained alive. I may have deserved the hit due to my hubris, but he should have died (he was the last remaining member of his army; all other members died including some by poisoning).
Thanks Darxim. That makes perfect sense (I actually knew that trolls regenerate, but I forgot that in the 'heat' of battle).
2)Same game. There was a bit of land near me that I wanted to settle in the near future. Resoln was paid to declare war on me and they pushed into the area I wanted to settle. There was a reason why I was waiting was to build up my army. There was a great wolf army there, multiple wolf packs and a Lord of the Flame army that was rated as Deadly, which was why I was waiting.
Apparently while I was questing, Resoln was able to settle TWO cities in that area, so closely that the surrounding border encompassed both cities. Smack in the middle was the Flame army, sitting there very placidly until...until I defeated and razed one of the cities. After I destroyed one of Resoln's cities, the Flame army, which had been in the same place when I originally scouted the area apparently decides that now would be a great time to wander. When it wanders, its VERY FIRST MOVE was to attack me. Not the two medium sized cities to its left and right which had been there for a few turns, but my army. Painful! Did I say painful? I meant annoying.
3)I am noticing some XCOM Enemy Unknown behavior here. I do not know if this is as intended or not, but it kind of flies in the face of the claim that the monster and ruffian AI treats all the other Kingdoms/Empires the same as the player. While exploring, I came upon some monsters that were hidden behind the FOW. Of course they became visible to me after I uncovered it. However, what I have noticed for a while now is that when I uncover the monsters lair, at most there is one other spawned army, but usually the main monster army is in one square under the purple 'monster lair' icon and is stationary. After I reveal the lair on the map, the lair begins to spawn more armies and they become mobile (if they were always mobile, they would have been spread out in a fairly wide radius from the lair). Am I wearing 'Eau de Monster' and prompting them to come out and find me? If the lair is going to spawn monsters all the time, then it should. If it is not going to spawn monsters, then it should not matter if I discover the lair or not. My worry is that is the AI discovers a lair, no additional monsters will spawn, but if I discover it, it will begin pumping them out creating a situation where I move one tile and have to engage another newly spawned unit.
I just want the AI to be treated by the monsters and ruffians the same way that I am treated.