Each turn represents 3 months, a period of time too big for modelling any weather effect. Don't you think?
I've thought about some kind of system overlay to impletment weather patterns as well. Since each turn is a 3mo season, it would "just" be a matter of 4 weather patterns displayed overtop of the normal display. Each season could have a series of random events with a smaller %chance at a natural disaster. Naturally, all sound effects and music would be modified to the incorporated seasons. I imagine there would be some kind of 'transistion' time for the season to change. You continue to play your turn as the changes happen all around you. Say 3 minutes realtime per transition from the start of the turn. Obviously, as a final note, this system would wreck havoc with autoturn.
Spring: Any snow slowly melts away. Flowers bloom. Grass turns greener than normal. Birds chirp.
Random Events - Raging Waters - A unit passing over a river is washed away.
- The Birds and the Bees - Monsters all have young, adding to their difficulty.
Natural Disaster - Great Flood - Cities to close to rivers receive %chance at a common building or two being destroyed.
Summer: Bright sunshine. Hues to warm colors. Grass a little scorched in places. Gentle breeze.
Random Events - Grass Fire - a random area is scorched by flame. Units within take damage.
Natural Disaster - Drought - No water to be had. Population decreases in each city by a % amount.
Autumn: Leaves on trees change color and fall off. Ground turns brown. Stronger winds.
Random Events - Bad Harvest - City receives zero growth for the turn.
- Good Harvest - City receives double growth for the turn.
Natural Disaster - Tornado - A 1 by 5 line is struck by strong winds dealing damage to units within. Cities receive %change at common building being destroyed.
Winter: Snow blankets the land, causing slower movement across plains and grasslands. Rivers freeze, allowing for easier crossings.
Random Events - Frostbite - A unit must endure the cold and receives a 10%hp penalty due to frostbite.
- Hunger Strikes - A hungry wolf pack catches your scent and appears nearby to hunt you down.
Natural Disaster - Blizzard - Mass damage to a random area. Units within may not survive.
Problem is that this aditionaly 'atmosphere' to the game really doesn't add anything other than looks and feel and specific random events.
I honestly think it would be too much work to gererate seasons to cycle as you pass the turns, considering that all the above random events could just be included into the game as is. Howeverm it would be WICKED AWESOME if this much immersion could be added.
I would give full support to this end!
Any other ideas/comments for weather related random events or natural disasters?