Tried it twice, doing all of the fights. My bet is that the last reward that unlocks the Legendary weapons is bugged.
Same happened here.
So that's what it was! I thought it was large empires and late games.
I have a save before and a save after doing the quest on the same turn. one loads up the other does not.
Ahh, thank you for finding the reason for this most annoying of bugs. Always presumed it was late game / lots of stuff in the game (or turning auto-save to every other turn, clicking multiple parts of the GUI each turn on my crappy XP-Desktop as Mr. Frogboy so eloquently put it in another thread. ) and shelved the beta in frustration for a few days each time because of it, given my time is rather scarce this might have actually been a good thing for me to happen. .Can confirm that for 3 different games, thought it might be related to wildlands (even while reading this misinterpreted it into meaning wildlands... Having to edit this post because of it, if you wondered why the text has changed...).Thinking it might be related to the updated area of influence which seems to be bugged in other respects as well given some posts in the support-forums. for you maniakos for finding this fun-killer which made me unable to complete 3 games... I might avoid the last fight of the arena like the plague from here on out until fixed (at least clearing it completely...). Too bad, was one hell of a nice reward (might even be to early / easy to get since its far cheaper in tech thank teching up to comparable weapons, so nice as well for an army based strategy combined with a hero-based one... Need to try that one once the bug is fixed...)@ Devs: Please fix this soon. Combined with the ocassional OOM-Error/crash (which is luckily much more more in 0.77) this is an outright game-stopper in very advanced games short before winning them...This must be one hell of an easy bug to miss so no bad feeling towards the devs . Proves the value that you start to implement the proceedings of your non-software-development to games as well and release games when they really are ready after a community beta. In a released game this might have caused a crapstorm in your direction.
It was quite hard to find it.
I had 2 saves with 10 turns distance between them. One would load the other would crash.
The annoying thing is that after you save you have to reload just to check if the save works.
Thanks for the karma!
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