Links now points to version two.
Gargantic is a 'huge' map, 256x256, but has 'random' start positions for ten players, and with all ten playing, you will not find yourself with an overabundance of space. (It is highly recommended to play with all ten positions filled.) The center of the continent has no players, so expanding towards the center is likely a good idea. Of course the other empires will likely be doing the same thing.
Each start position has some rather nice city locations, including a very nice starting city location with at least one of each essential resource (hand placed). This starting location is either largely visible from the initial start or a very short move from there. If it is not immediately obvious to you, save the game and explore a few turns. Note, this is not a cheat, as your opponents have the same starting advantage. This will make for a faster starting game. If this is not to your taste, choose a different map.
The map was created using Cephalo's absolutely marvelous 'Elementerra' random map generator and then hand tweaked. The game will automatically populate the world with random resources, but other resources have been spaced around the continent so as to make the world relatively resource rich (without going completely overboard). This is not strictly multi-player balanced, as some positions will be slightly harder than others simply due to geography. All the start positions got the same booster resources, except for one position that has the hardest time of all due to lack of city space and easy movement; that position got a few extra resources to compensate.
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