[eMOD] means that the mod is considered "ready for use". More information here
This mod is compatible with Elemental: War of Magic release 1.09.043
The purpose of this mod is to open up a lot more customization options for the sovereign and unit design, regardless whether they are Empire, Kingdom, Male or Female. You should find many more clothing and hairstyle options available over the default selection.
Download link
Extract the zipped files to the following location
W7 C:\Users\UserName\Documents\My Games\Elemental\Mods\ClothingCust
XP C:\Users\Username\My Documents\My games\Elemental\Mods\ClothingCust
Recommended zip client, http://www.7-zip.org/
Known issues
There may be some glitches here and there. Please reply to the thread and report them, preferably with a screenshot.
Some items don't match well together, they glitch through each other. There is nothing I can do about that.
Items with a hood makes you go bald, these were excluded from appearing in the selection for Random Generation but are otherwise available for unit and sovereign design.
Changelog Release 4
Fixes incorrectly applied Female tags, previously female only items were restricted to Kingdom of Men and Kraxis females, now properly available to all female races.
Fixes incorrectly applied male tags for beards, previously all beards were restricted to Kingdom of Men and Kraxis males, now properly available to all males races.
Sets all items (Except for Hooded) to 50% chance for random unit generation.
Restricted Yoren Cloak and Yoren Cloak (Dark) from random unit generation.
Restricted all but two gloves from Trogs, Urxen, and Quendar males.
XML file tidying (AKA NovaBurst has OCD).
Changelog Release 3
The following items were removed from selection from the following Male Races: Trogs, Urxen and Quendar.
***** Shirts ******
Warrior Shirt
Warrior Shirt (Light)
Warrior Shirt (Dark)
Nobelman Shirt (White)
Nobelman Shirt (Light)
Nobelman Shrit (Dark)
Warrior Shirt Leather
Warrior Shirt Leather (Light)
Warrior Shirt Leather (Dark)
Warrior Shirt Pleated (White)
Warrior Shirt Pleated (Light)
Warrior Shirt Pleated (Dark)
Warrior Shirt Diamond (white)
Warrior Shirt Diamond (Light)
Warrior Shirt Diamond (Dark)
Satin Shirt (Black)
Satin Shirt (Light)
Satin Shirt (Dark)
****** Surcoats *****
Padded Vest
Noble Surcoat and Vest
***** Cloaks & Coats *****
Removed Cloak tag from Great Coat (Light) and (Dark)
Changelog Release 2
A handful more items unlocked for Sovereigns.
Restricted a handful of items to be Female only.
File cleanup (Removable of redundant tags and duplicate items, unlocking of commented out items, and spelling fixes).
Several hooded items removed from random unit generation due to baldness issue.
Changelog Release 1
Initial Release.
Core Files Edited