At the moment I must admit, its not the bugs or the awkward UI that's causing me problems its aspects of the game itself.
Apart from annoyances like overpowered guardians which should really be used to guard your territory not tear up your opponents (this should be fixed). I'm finding the sluggish control, awkward interface, muddy graphics, uninteresting replication of building types, generic units, rather poor borderlands type graphics all are getting me down. My GF loves Strat/RPG and is a great litmus test for me with games. She immediately didnt connect with elemental. Her comments I thought were really valid as a complete stranger to elemental but with lots of gaming experience so here they are:
Missions are repetitive and feel tacked on. Whats the point?
Factions are too similar, humanoid with slightly different colour. Why not undead? Or Different races?
Unit design is pointless waste of time, she thought if there was unit design it should be for more elite units or special mage's rather than the grunts where each is exactly the same with slightly different bonus's. You really want to be able to create specialist units that really can do different things in the battle or embue essence into special monsters (like a monster designer).
Tactical battles do not have line of sight blocking objects or interesting terrain.
City building is pointless on the map and annoying when you run out of tiles due to terrain features. She didnt know why you plonked buildings down rather than having one city tile which as you add buildings slowly creates a much better looking city (like civ). Unless each building actually had a special effect why bother being able to select them?
The terrain is bland and in fantasy settings the richness of the wildlife is essential. Hidden areas, forests that look like enchanted forests, multi-tile graphcial blending rather then individual tile objects. This is one of the main problems, on the cloth map you get a sprawling forest. Zoomed in it just looks like tiles of generic forest. Not having blending with other tiles graphically creates a real limitation of graphical smoothness between terrains. She thought this was a really bad mistake.
The champions have no personality whatsoever and she couldn't relate to any of them. I think this was due to the graphical style. Maybe a 1000 different small jpg portraits with a generic heroe on map piece would be better than a snapshot of a generic looking 3d person.
Finally the graphical touches and polish simply arn't there. When you open a chest I don't want a popup I want to see the chest open and money come pouring out or rising into the sky. Classic fantasy thememing has been left out.
So I asked her would you play elemental if most of these things were addressed, and she replied, yes but the graphics engine needs serious updating as it looks so muddy and unattractive at the moment any I just can't connect with any of the creatures or champions. Who wants the magic sword when it looks like a toothpick? The items do not look attractive and RPG's are about aquiring nice things.
Oh dear.
I'm a bit less harsh on the game. I think it has potential but seriously I think it needs another years work and a graphic overhaul, a rethink about cities, and a lot more fantasy theme, and the whole game needs to run faster/smoother/and play more interesting before I will play it regularly. Fingers crossed. I think this review below sums it up for me at the moment lets hope it can be improved on.