I want to know how everyone feels about the Beta right now, as compared to past builds, and as compared to your hopes for future builds and the retail game.
My questions (And my own answers,) are as follows:
How has the stability of the current build [1Z2/.30] gotten better or worse for you?
1Z was the first build I got to play, and I noticed the stability wasn't great, but not terrible either. Now, two patches later, I can easily play 800+ turns before any Crashes, and I'm finally able to load about 1/3 games, instead of just plain 0. This is a vast improvement over the 100-200 turns I could've played before.
How do you like the gameplay, in all its facets, so far?
So far, I love it, even though there isn't much to do yet. It's got the promise of being a very enthralling game.
How do you like the graphics, what little there are, and what are you most excited for regarding the graphics?
The graphics give me issues, as there are still lots of bugs in there, and I'm a freak for consistency when it comes to that kind of thing. I'm most excited for the graphics engine as a whole though, particularly seeing the overland map for the first time with the Engine flipped on... Yum. ^^
How 'Into' the game do you get? How much does the current build drag you in and 'Addict' you, or not?
I can't help but play at least a few games every day. It's frustrating to not be able to finish a game, even when I'm trying, but learning the game, playing it, are still fun-ish experiences.
What things are you most excited for in the near future of the Beta? Further down the road? Just prior to, or right after, the retail release?
Stability and Multiplayer for the near future. Further down the road, graphics, tactical battles, and who knows what else. We'll see what Stardock adds and removes. For release, playing long, drawn-out, roleplaying scenarios with my friend. Elemental seems like something that will lend itself EXTREMELY well to a roleplaying environment.
How does Elemental stack up to what you would consider to be its 'peers'?
MoO, AoW, GalCiv, and Civilization to a lesser extent... So far, I'd say it's measuring up admirably. Technology plays its part of course, but those games had character, and lots of it. Elemental, at least in my eyes, is showing that it could have plenty of character, possibly even rivaling games to follow in its footsteps for many years.
What things about the current build would you see removed/implemented in future builds that isn't already planned, and what could (Or may need) to be improved?
Personally, I've come to hate Trolls... I would love to see Trolls go away, at least for a long time here... I'd really love to see some way to curb Multiplayer Boredom put in, and I think the combat, as it currently stands, needs some improvement. Seems to get mucked up a little too much. Also, more rivers and functionality for them. Like, Water-Mills, River-side ambushes, something to make Rivers more than just map flavor.
And lastly,
What Mods will you be most excited to build/play, and how do you think E:WoM's modding will stack up to other games, particularly those that are also highly moddable?
A Fall From Heaven Mod for playing, of course.
Also thinking about building a world I made using 3.5ed DnD as a base. I think it would lend itself very well to Elemental's modding system, as well as allow me to create another side to the game I hadn't originally intended there to be.