Posting this in general because it's not really a Bug report (which is what you want in the beta forum) or a new idea.
So aside from the stability problems and the obvious fact that 90% of the gameplay isn't implemented yet, I'm afraid the beta completely fails in its attempt to be Not Fun.
I have thoroughly enjoyed playing it! Which is ludicrous, it's very broken and there's not much to do, but it's abundantly clear to me that we're onto something good here.
Things I particularly like:
- I really like how the tech system works and can see it branching out massively. I can't wait for the complexity testing to happen (i.e. how complex can you make everything before beta feedback comes back that it's overcomplicated). This no-pretty-graphics-easy-to-prototype beta 1 is a master stroke.
- Resources aren't in, but I have noticed caravans ARE already to some extent and that trade is raidable! Oh baby!
- Training and experience are separated in concept already... can't wait to see how far this gets taken as a concept
- The look/feel of just the cloth map and the interface really suit the mood and style of the game and create the right atmosphere already.
- The music is really nice and the perfect mix of background-pleasant-moodsetting, I hope there's more by the same composer as we go along.
- The silly comment on the splash loading screen and the cute 80's-90's adventure game sequence made me laugh
Just can't get over how excited I am about this game when it's in this embryonic state! I've seriously tried to be critical of what's there and can't complain about anything but the expected bugs and memory leaks, all but one of which I found have already been reported by the horde of dedicated fans who beat me to it.