Sorry about that... all that does is duplicate the art
Okay here is a fix for you without editing core files.
Say you wish to change the merchant to something else. We do this
<ImprovementType InternalName="Merchant">
then you need to change the art def to get the tile to work out like so
<ImprovementTypeArtDef InternalName="Art_Merchant_New"</ImprovementTypeArtDef>
<ImprovementTypeArtSubPack InternalName="Art_Merchant_Kingdom">
<Medallions InternalName="">
<ImprovementTypeArtSubPack InternalName="Art_Merchant_Empire">
<Medallions InternalName="">
This will change it to the tile design with internalname "SomethingDifferentThantheOtherName"
so for your tile you edited you need to go into it's xml and change the internal name to something different otherwise you will end up with a duplicate art design for the tile.
Again, sorry for the mis-confusion the test I did earlier was adding something to a tile design, not really changing the design itself.