On other thought: seanw3 observed in another thread that one of Stardock's most significant accomplishments to date, with E:FE, was in creating a gaming engine that was unusually open to modding (for details, game-play, and content), and for future customization. Frogboy has said something similar; along with his intention to make this Elemental Universe, as open and accessible as possible. E:FE (forget E:Wom) is the real start of a major franchise, that could carry us into the next decade.
With all due respect to the modders. This beta is about the unmodded game. The modding tools aren't really released yet, and what they do is more hacking than modding. They can only affect balance, and there is a lot more than that.
There is concern about quality of the game, lack of insight on what is being planned/known in terms of bugs found, small steps of improvements but no breakthroughs in most painful areas (heroes/units balance, monsters ignoring AI, AI competency, slowdowns, crashes, ui glitches) - there is no single aspect of the game that we could at this stage tick off as COMPLETED, tested, accepted.
UI - glitches, lack of information, overlays, inventory management, army management
stability - crashes, slowdowns, missing heads and 3d models
balance - no comment
AI - basic
design features - still added (flying, events,
content - missing
campaing - never seen off
tactical combat - still missing unit placement, autoresolve givng different results than autoplay, arrows shooting form the side of the screen, no tactical walls, towers - city combat), slowdowns, bugs in abilities, items, ui
diplomacy - AI requesting thousands of gildars, attacking out of blue moon, askign for money when beggin for peace
magic - core to the game and yet ... lacking, for no other words, oh and AI can't use it even so
nothing is completed, nothing... oops sorry, we got game intro finished