5) there's no reason why all factions need to be 10 food per grain to start with, some could have a bonus or penalty per grain. Same for materials.
a city of 5/3 could be representative of a capital city with most location in the world being somewhere between 2, 3 or 4 food with 1,2,3 or 4 materials. better locations could be guarded by monsters or quests, or be revealed in the wildlands. Would this give the food research more value near the end of the civ tech ?
possible city prompt " the city in question could flash slowly to get your attention" - the faction colour around the city tile could grow brighter then darker etc.
6) about 11 minutes. When it comes to groups, i find when i reach the new group size up, i am relegating my smaller groups to defence and slow down to retrain new units. It would be nice to stop that speed bumb so to speak, by upgrading the troop with materials and population to the new size to maintain xp, or take a hit or two in level to get the higher group size to continue momentum.
7) 12:20 he deos have a point about momentum issues in the game. However it would most likely be through the use of magic that you would balance this out. If someone has better warfare tech, then an opponent might have better magic tech to counter. Your units might be stronger but they can be rendered harmless by a variety of magic. We will have to see what the dev's have in store for us here. ( i will use mom as one example - the spell of invulnerability which renders immune to most physical damage can make a lowly spearman kill a ranger. Although the magician kills him pretty fast lol)
we will have to see how the current plan of weapon vs armour works out - cutting blunt and piercing - axes swords and club type. They all have advantages and disadvantages in the new system and its possible a well equipped smaller group can kill a bigger group. I have to break down the equipment list and see how this plays out. I copied the xml files into word and i am going to strip out all the extra text to get the stats out.
8) at teh 16 minute mark when he talks about movement - i notice that his portrait in teh top left hand corner is not highlighting yellow. Doesn't it hilghlight yellow when we can move and then darken when we can't. His seems to stay dark all the time. (actually i wne to full screen and saw it was yellow - odd)
18 minute mark - no reason why the info about what the spell does isn't on the pop up window, but it is beta so maybe its just there aas a place holder to show its working
24 minute mark - a quick discussion on defensive bonus. High initiative units usually have low defence and life, so if a tough unit survives the initial attack you would think it would be able to couner and turn the tide of the fight. However, this would be a usefull special ability to be able to start a fight in defense mode. However we would need to combine this with a small tactic screen where we could organize our troop formations so we are prepared when the battles start. We don't need to do this at the start of every fight, just set it up once for reference. A special skill a hero could have would lets us see what formation our opponent is using and then you could adjust your own formation to compensate.
But we should still want high initive attackers that can hit low initive people who are not in defense mode. Just need to balance their damage per turn versus their survival ability (ie fragile or tough unit)