Compass movement bonus problem
- I just recently discovered that compass bonus can be stacked. From now on all my units have compasses, which allows armies to have 9 move points. I am not sure it is intended. Further, joining and removing armies will cause funny situations like: having 9/4 move points (if you take out one unit of the stack), it takes 2 turns to have full move points after joining all troops, after loading any save my army has again 2 move points for one turn ..
- Another problem related to move points:
- I move army and it runs out of mp and is beside enemy who attacks it next turn. My army is destroyed. I load autosave and I have my move points back, I can move again and go away from enemy.
- Path chosen by army, both on tactical and normal map, is weird: it seems that sometimes army tries to go the longest way possible, using as many move points to get to destination
No information on spells being cast on your units - since the effects are based on shards it would be nice to have precise info what a give spell does. Particularly, the spells of enemy are without info: my sov got many times webbed, yet he still moves, he gets barbs, and I have no clue what it means, etc … I can't even know If spell is bagged or not
Enlarge is way overpowered for 4 mana spell, to give my melee sov 100% attack bonus on later levels is deadly, way too deadly. I think mana cost should be proportional to attack bonus, or bonus should be like 20% plus 10% for each shard. Besides, casting enlarge on regular troops does not seem to work. Spell works, but unit remains small. If unit gets bonus is hard to say - again no information about effects of spell on concrete unit is available …
I am not having any more earth elementals in my armies, b/c they slow the animation of movement of an army so much I cant stand it. I used to scroll back and forth to cloak map when army with elem moves …
Encumbrance is not much of an issue - especially for champions that get huge amount of strength bonus as they leveled
Playing on ridiculous or challenging causes many of AI fractions to be destroyed very, very early. I just finished a game where I had only one war, 5 other opponents were wiped by monsters … No fun.
Sweep and earthshock require extra clicking for no reason. Since they always happen around a hero I don’t see a point why I should always click to show where spell/skill should take place … Very annoying after 100th use ..
I can't find info on fire/air/ etc. resistances hero gains from equip
After double strike enemies hp bar shows the effect of only one hit ignoring the second one
When I conquer the monsters and enter they lair and I got reward I want to see it. I double click my army and sometimes/often it show info of a monster killed, not a hero. I have to re-do it twice or more times before proper info window is opened.
When I get 5 spider's silks after a single battle, I get 5 pop up windows informing me about it … Whenever I get reward there should be three buttons: open equip window / trade window/ close pop up
Quests are a mess: already mentioned in other threads
Proportions between champions for empire and other one is like 5:1. Very annoying if you play non-empire faction
Once I conquered enemy's capital on hard and the city had a bonus +12 to strength of troops. No building inside of city provided it, and no enchantments was shown. Have no clue where it came from
Destroying the chosen buildings in city is impossible, since it does not show the names of buildings
Auto-battles can use 300 mana, b/c AI insists on my melee sov to cast offensive spell all the time for like 5hp damage, instead of hitting with a hammer for 200 …
Maul weapons are broken - never hit for the second time.
Shrink's spell effects are counted from max hp; thus, if I reduce an enemy to 1/3 of hp and then cast shrink it kills
I creating a new sov one of possible features is a one time bonus of +150 guildars, first should be like 1000 to be meaningful/ useful, second, I can instead give to my sov some weapons and equip which can be sold for more money …
Earthquake is a nice spell, however, good AI dont use it b/c it would make me furious that for the cost of 80 mana AI can destroy half of the population of my city, which will take in turn like hundreds of turn to rebuild ...
In general - all cities are the same for me, I build all the buildings anyway, research is waaay too slow (I have to yet try to play on fast) - i never ever research even half of techs before game is ended, game is too easy even on ridiculous if you just level your sov, magic is just a bonus/curiosity .