If you enjoy this mod, I suggest you check out
ExpandedFactions and the
Artifact mod. They are aimed at putting more content in the game.
After the War is intended to fix some smaller design issues and bugs in the final patch (1.4) of Elemental: War of magic. There is also a bit of balancing going on. The full changenotes can be read at the end of the post.
Download link
1.10 ( https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/elemental_war_of_magic/46/ )
Log in with your Stardock account if you are having trouble downloading.
How do I install this?
Download the .zip file and extract it straight into your install directory. If you need help finding it, open Impulse/GameStop client, rightclick Elemental and select "Open Application Folder".
The next time you start the game, it will take a minute or two and then proceed like normal. This extra loading time only occurs once.
How do I uninstall this?
Open Impulse and Shift-Rightclick your Elemental icon. Select Verify Installation. Run the verification, and when it is done, update the game like you would if there was a patch. Once the "update" has been downloaded and installed, this mod is uninstalled.
Major changes
Changes to cities: Tile limit (total X buildings) has been increased to 50. Cityhubs now hold 10 population instead of an increasing amount (capital cities - your first city - hold 14). Your capital city produces 1 food without any building. Every subsequent city founded consumes 1 food perpetually. If your capital city is lost, you can rebuild it. In 1.3 a new limit to the amount of repeatable buildings was introduced, where you could for example build 2 workshops in a level 2 city. These limits have been modified to the following (primarily based on food it takes to get there):
City level 1 = 1 of each repeatable building
City level 2 = 2 of each repeatable building
City level 3 = 3 of each repeatable building
City level 4 = 5 of each repeatable building
City level 5 = 10 of each repeatable building
Zone of control has been equalized for all cities. It is set to spread every 10 turns. Generally, for level 3 cities and above, players should get more Zone of control from their outposts, and much less from their capital city.
City level 1 = ZoC min1 max2 (capital cities start at 2 ZoC so the AI doesn't get left behind and build wrong)
City level 2 = ZoC min2 max3
City level 3 = ZoC min3 max4
City level 4 = ZoC min4 max6
City level 5 = ZoC min6 max9
Buildings that serve only to boost metal or food production by a percentage, now require a "basic production" of that resource in the city. A city without an iron mine or a ventri ore mine may not build a blacksmith, for example. For food production, only sources that are world resources count - Gardens, Skath pits, spells or the initial 1 food bonus to a capital city does not allow you to build the booster buildings in that city. Example on how being prevented from building looks: http://ii.snag.gy/Klmse.jpg
Spells are researched twice as fast, but researching spell level-ups take 50% longer. You can now research three level 1 spells in the same time it takes to research access to level 2 spells.
All spellbooks can now be researched from the tech tree. Books selectable from start have a 75% chance to appear when researching tech to unlock them. The summoning book has been removed.
Spells have been tweaked to scale better with the game. Spells now depend on a new unit statistic called Magic Power. This statistic can only be boosted by conquering more shrines, or building special improvements (see below), or researching a perpetual research called Refined Mana Channeling. Magic power controls the strength of various spells. All champions currently start with 100 magic power, which means spells are 100% efficient. The individual statistic Intelligence has three functions in the new system: First, to reduce the chances of getting your spells resisted. Second, to boost your own Magic Resistance. Third, spells require intelligence to be cast (somewhere between 10 and 20).
The full spell list can be found here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=dGyvYjF4
A spell may say, for example, that it deals 3^ damage. This means that a champion with Magic Power 100 will deal exactly 3 damage. However, if he has magic power 150, the spell will deal 3*1.5=4.5 damage.
Magic Power can be boosted from different sources, these things can be researched in the Wizardry technology tree
- Each Shrine provides you with +15%
- New improvements Temple of Essence (kingdom) and Tower of Souls (empire) can be built once in any lvl 4+ city connected to a shard (after researching access). These improvements give another +10% Magic Power, but they also cost 1 mana per turn.
- New Improvements Tower of Ereog (kingdom) and Tower of Titans (empire) can be build in any lvl 5+ city (after researching access). These improvements, which can be built only once per faction, provide 25% bonus to Magic Power. These improvements drain 2 mana per turn.
- An infinite research, called Refined Mana Channeling, gives another 5% bonus. This technology has a 25% chance to appear.
Players may invest their level-up stat points for Champions in Magic Power. Note that the additional stat points are conntinously multiplied by all existing bonuses from shards and other improvements.
The 10% increase/reduction in offense/defense depending on what environment you were fighting in has been removed. Some factions now spread barren, desert or winter environments instead of fallen or kingdom.
Difficulties renamed and tweaked. Examples: A Normal (100%) AI plays just like the player. A Challenging (125%) enemy gains 25% to all his production values and unit hitpoints.
All infinite technologies (things you can research over and over) now have a 25% chance to appear when researching a field. If what you want doesn't appear, you have to choose something else. At least 1 tech of some kind will always be available. Technologies that previously could be researched repeatedly for a 10% bonus to an area, now give 5% instead. The only exception to this is the technologies that reduce the price of Champions - that remains at 10%
Arcane armor (legendary plate armor) now has, as a prerequisite, the highest level of armor research from the Warfare trees (this is poorly shown by the UI). For Kingdoms, Arcane Armor now comes before Arcane Weapons instead of the other way around. (Note that for both Empires and Kingdoms, Arcane Weapons require the tech Arcane Armor, and therefore indirectly require the highest level of armor from the Warfare tree.)
Unit Quality
Unit quality type has been much reduced in power. Previously, it gave 0% / +50% / +100% / + 200% hitpoints at the different levels. Now, it gives 0% / +25% / +50% / +75%. In addition, units will regain extra health in strategic mode depending on their quality level; 0 / 1 / 2 / 3. Note that this allows units with quality training to regenerate health outside their own Zone of Control (which gives +1 health regen as well).
Unit Training
Training time bonuses have been tweaked. Note that these scale unevenly in an additive manner. If you increase speed by 10% it takes 90% as long as it normally would to build a unit. If you increase speed by a total of 50% it takes 50% as long as it normally would to train a unit. This is the opposite of having a diminishing return, as each bonus is based on the original value rather than the smaller modified value (each additional bonus increases the final amount by a greater relative percentage than the bonus before). In addition, all the buildings that boosts training speed have been tweaked. These are the new stats. Generally, they require less upkeep but more citizens.
Barracks: ~10% faster training time, city defenders gain 3 accuracy - 15 citizens, 2 gildar/turn upkeep, requires city level 2
Command Post: ~10% faster training time, city defenders gain 2 dodge - 20 citizens, 2 gildar/turn upkeep, requires city level 3
War College: ~10% faster training time, city defenders gain 3 magic resistance - 30 citizens, 3 upkeep, requires city level 5
Garrison: ~15% faster training time, city defenders gain 3 accuracy and 1 dodge - 25 citizens, 3 gildar/turn upkeep, requires city level 2
Warrior Temple: ~15% faster training time, city defenders gain 3 magic resistance and 1 dodge - 50 citizens, 4 upkeep, requires city level 4
Unit Health scaling with levels
Health and how it scales has been changed for player-designed units. Units will now gain much less health from levelups.
New health scaling (old => new)
Level 1 = 21 => 23
Level 2 = 38 => 30
Level 3 = 55 => 38
Level 4 = 72 => 45
Level 5 = 89 => 53
With Experienced quality training (~+25% health)
Level 1 = 26 => 29
Level 2 = 47 => 38
Level 3 = 68 => 47
Level 4 = 90 => 57
Level 5 = 111 => 66
As before, all units gain +3 accuracy for each level after the first.
New World resource: Elementium Deposit
A new world resource has been worked into the game, Elementium Deposit. These are exceptionally rare sources of Elementium that mostly appear in deserts. Both factions can build Elementium churners on top of these deposits. One piece of Elementium will be produced every four turns. http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/8679/elementium.png
New World Resource: Ruins of a Hospital
A new world resource has been worked into the game, Ruins of a Hospital. A wide range of medical personell dedicated their lives to heal the sick and wounded at this hospital. If you assist them in rebuilding the burnt-down building, they will help you by healing your troops - but only if the building is inside your city walls. If the building is outside your city walls, there is no bonus at all. Regardless, the connected city gains +1 prestige.
New World Resource: Broken Magical Forge
A new world resource has been worked into the game, Broken Magical Forge. A relic from another time, this forge has magical properties. Any effort to make something in the forge always turn out the highest quality of produce. This allows the maker to save resources that would otherwise have gone to waste. If the forge is rebuilt and positioned inside city walls, the city can train units at 15% less resources. If the building is outside your city walls, there is no bonus at all.
Minor changes
-For the player, pioneers are now built in groups like normal units. More members in the unit means a larger starting population in the built city, but it is generally not worth it to build a unit larger than 4 since the city will grow organically anyway. The AI still builds solo pioneers.
-Cliffs can now be walked on, just like beaches
-Tweaked default sovereigns. Most notably, Kravox now starts the game with a pioneer.
-Libraries and Master Archivists now give 1.4 Tech Knowledge production, instead of 2.
-The following repeatable buildings were missing their limits, and this has been corrected: Master Archivist (empire), Lore Shop (empire), Library (kingdom).
-Monuments (empire) are now counted as repeatable buildings and are thus limited by the level of the city (still need city level 2 to build the first one). Monuments also require 1 gold upkeep instead of 2.
-Skath Pits (empire) and Gardens (kingdom) now produce 1 food instead of 2, to prevent infinite recursion of food. Gardens require 25 used population instead of 35 (skath pits are 25 by default).
-Changes to pioneers: New 3d model, a backpack. Pre-designed Fallen pioneers now come unarmed, putting their materials cost at the same as the one for kingdoms.
-Farms cost 0 materials and 25 gildar, instead of 5 materials (empire) or 2 materials (kingdom)
-Tower of Souls (empire) and Temple of Essence (kingdom) gives 2 mana instead of 3
-Emerald Palace (empire) gives 2 mana instead of 4
-Level up points for champions reduced from 5 to 4
-Sovereigns now become incapacitated for 10 turns after falling in combat, instead of the previous 5.
-Small tweaks to AI, will pursue gold and prestige less and generally build larger cities. Will almost always build buildings that boost metal production when applicable.
-Dynasty children now become adults at the age of 18.
-All weapons now include in their description whether they are one- or two-handed.
-Great Scimitar reduced to 40 attack instead of 50. Lord hammer now reduces combatspeed of wearer by 1 instead of 0. Claymore now reduces accuracy by 5 instead of increasing it by 6. Great Scimitar and Claymore now cost 9 metal, instead of 10 and 12 respectively. Reaper now gives 0 combatspeed bonus instead of 1 and 13 attack instead of 14.
-Legendary Plate Cuirass reduced from 18 to 10 defense. Added new bracers, Legendary Plate Armlets, that give 7 defense and no dodge reduction for the cost of 18 gold, 6 metal and 1 elementium.
-Medical Pack now grants a unit 1 hitpoints, instead of 5. Ward of Health grants a unit 2 hitpoints, instead of 3. Band of fortitude now costs 7 crystal, instead of 1. Amulet of Life can no longer be purchased or used when designing units. Ranger's Pack removed from game. Messenger's Pack removed from game. Scout's pack now gives 1 sight instead of 1 defense. Crystaline Stonelet gives 2 hitpoints instead of 3. Hatestones now reduce the Hitpoints of the user by 2, instead of 0.
-Fixed Cloaks being generally unavailable for Empires.
-Tweaked unit design window to show hidden values. Before: http://i.imgur.com/Ggqrs.jpg After: http://i.imgur.com/f7kl4.jpg
-Wargs and horses are now exclusive to each type of faction. A kingdom may never train warg units, even if it has the resource. An empire may never train horse units, even if it has the resource.
-Ventri ore mine reduced to 2 from 3 metal
-Mining Guild (kingdom) now gives 25% more metal, instead of 100% more metal. Blacksmiths (kingdom) increase metal production by 25%, instead of 50%. Smelter (empire) now increase metal production by 50%, instead of 25%.
-Catapults now come with 27 attack. Previously, kingdom catapults had 20 attack and empire catapults had 35.
-Removed the quest Moriah's Lost Spellbook
-Removed Kingdom techs: The_Ties_That_Bind_Amarian, Movement_Amarian. Advanced Tracking is now a one-time research.
-Removed Empire techs: Armies_Trogs, Teams_Trogs, Influencing_Trogs. Advanced Tracking is now a one-time research.
-Removed the researchable 25% hitpoint bonus for Kingdom. It was causing issues and Empire didn't have anything equivalent.
-Special fallen traveling boots added to cities, were previously missing
-Alzor's armor now wearable by anyone, replaced model
-Changed fallen capital city population limit from 20 to 15
-Longstrider boots removed from the game, champions that wore those now wear traveling boots (same bonus)
-AI more likely to build workshops and other material-producing facilities
-Fixed issue where fallen male sovereigns would be unable to buy armor if playing a kingdom faction
-Kingdom legendary gear now costs the same for non-fallen as it does for fallen in the shop
-Fixed what order items appear in the shop - armor sets now appear next to each other, and different item types are sorted according to their type (all cloaks next to each other, all shields next to each other and so on)
-Band of Endurance now allows wearer to regen 1 health per turn in combat, price raised to 200. Previously it added 1 strategic move, and cost 123 gildar. May be used for unit design, in which case it costs 3 crystal.
-Band of Roaming renamed Band of Vengeance, now adds 15% to counter-attacks from the wearer, price increased to 250. Previously it added 1 strategic move, and cost 51 gildar. May be used for unit design, in which case it costs 4 crystals.
-Cloak of Thwarting now wearable by everyone
-Yithril bow now gives 0 Combatspeed, instead of +2
-Added new city levelup bonus - materials production (same % as gildar, 5*new_citylevel
-Reduced Tech knowledge levelup bonus from 10*new_citylevel to 7*new_citylevel
-New Sovereign History: Weaponmaster. Attacks have a 10% chance to ignore all armor. Verga starts with this, instead of Vengeance (50% higher counter-attack damage, introduced in this mod).
-Removed old sovereign history Beastmaster (didn't work)
-Reduced time it takes to build Hedge Wall (kingdom) to 10 from 15, to match the Wooden Wall (empire). Fort (kingdom) now takes 15 turns to build instead of 20. Fortress (kingdom) now takes 20 turns to build instead of 25. Castle (empire, 2nd and last level) still takes 20 turns to build.
-New Faction bonus: Close Living. All housing room is increased by 10%. Yithril now starts with this bonus. Note that this means the capital city can reach level 2 without building any housing room.
-Increased citizens needed in studies and archivists from 3 to 5. Libraries and Master archivists remain unchanged at 5.
-Barter House now buildable once, instead of being treated like a repeatable building
-Fixed so horses/wargs should spawn the same
-All factions can now train male and female units (visual difference only). This is of particular interest to the non-human Empires, as they get access to two (visually) different types of armors.
-Removed free diplomatic capital from Fallen technologies
-Fixes from this mod that were incorrect: Empire smelter only gave 25% metal production boost, should be 50%. Kingdom Blacksmith gave 50%, should be 25%. Kingdom Mining Guild did not require a "basic metal production", also fixed.
-Scout's Pack is now available only after researching Superior Equipment (the same tech you get medical pack from)
-Updated the Unit Design List window, so the "costs" window is larger.
-Updated the Unit Training window, where you select which unit to trai, so the "costs" window is larger
-Medical pack now gives +1 hitpoint instead of +1constitution (worse scaling with level-ups).
-Beacon of Hope (kingdom) now gives 1 prestige instead of 10
-Farm (kingdom) now gives 5 food instead of 4, to match that of the Empire's. Orchards built on Fruit Groves have been reduced to 3 from 5 food for both factions.
-Inn (kingdom) now takes 8 turns to build instead of 10
-Tweaked appearances of Refugee Camps
-Cloaks and Accessories now give additional training time when included on units. All cloaks now provide at least 1 defense
-Scout's Cloak now costs 13 gold and 2 materials, instead of 25 gold and 5 materials. It now provides 1 extra sight, instead of 2
-Soldier's Cloak now give +3 ranged dodge, instead of 0
-Band of Agility now costs 10 crystals, instead of 15
-Amulet of Warding now costs 5 crystals, instead of 3
-Ward of Defense now costs 8 crystals, instead of 3
-Vengeance coating now provides 2 attack, instead of 3. No longer costs any materials (previously 25), now costs 20 gold instead of 5
-Crystaline Stonelet no longer costs materials (previously 25) and gildar cost is now 25, previously 5
-Hate Stone now costs 5 materials, instead of 25. Gildar cost is now 30, instead of 10
-Crystal Mine (empire) is now buildable after researching Arcane Experiments, instead of Arcane Weapons (2 techs earlier), can be researched right after shard harvesting)
-Refugee Camp now provides 60 population storage instead of 100
-Empire lesser shrines were missing their 20 gold cost to build, foxed
-No shrines require population anymore, as the engine wasn't handling it properly (the cost was only applied if the building was inside city walls)
-World resources that require an upkeep in gildar after it has been built, now say so in the "hammer" tooltip when you are about to build the improvement
-Reduced frequency of some of the new world resources
-Added text to armor: "This armor will only fit Fallen males" and "This armor will only fit those smaller than Fallen males". This should avoid confusion why some armors can't be worn effectively when traded by champions.
-Added new armor that combines helmet and chestpiece, denoted by a large "*" icon. These are primarily to force the AI into wearing helmet - but may also be used by the player, of course. The cost is equal to the separate pieces when designing units, but they are slightly cheaper than the individual pieces when buying in the shop for champions (5-10%)
-Removed a few armor pieces of Patchwork from heroes, as they were very unstable
-Fixed refugee camp tooltip to accurately say 60 population instead of 100
-Iron ore mines now give 2 metal per turn, and ventri ore mines give 3 metal per turn
-Fixed tooltip on Touch of Entropy to accurately say 25^ instead of 30
-Reduced arcane arrow from 10^ to 8^ damage
-Tweaked the following buildings:
--Imperial Throne (empire): Now avaiable at city level 3. Reduces maintenance in city by 50%. Adds 2 prestige.
--Palace (kingdom): Now available at city level 3. Reduces maintenance in city by 50%. Adds 2 prestige.
--Theatre (kingdom): Reduces maintenance in city by 25%. No upkeep. Adds 3 magic resistance to anyone defending the town.
--Great Arena (kingdom): All cities have their prestige boosted by 25%. All controlled units gain +10% magic resistance. 3 upkeep.
--Town Hall (kingdom): Increases Tech, Materials and Gold production by 10% in the city
-Fixed tooltip for spell blast to accurately say "Target units within a radius of 1 take 8^ damage."
-Arcane arrow tooltip fixed
-Touch of Entropy can now never be resisted
-Fixed Fireball damage, it was roughly +200% too strong
-Removed negative combat speed modifier from Lord hammer, the weapon now only gives +40 attack and nothing else
-Claymore (kingdom) now gives +3 dodge and -3 accuracy and 40 attack, instead of -5 accuracy and 40 attack
-Great Scimitar (empire) now gives +3 dodge and -3 accuracy and 40 attack, instead of -3 dodge, -3 accuracy and 40 attack
-AI more likely to hoard metal until it can build units with high armor, instead of spending it all on weapons only
-Fixed a massive issue with AI cheating with pioneers (caused by this mod). The AI now appropriately pays exactly the same as the player does, instead of 75% less. If you had AI swarm the entire map with pioneers in 15 turns, that issue should be much reduced now.
-Iron Ore mines now give 1.5 metal, and Ventri metal mines give 2.5 metal
Lord hammer still had -1 combatspeed, this was removed
Remove Kingdom reference to archery range
Did lots of tweaking to make sure ExpandedFactions mod could integrate better
Embassy (kingdom) is now a once-per-city building and requires 15 used citizens instead of 0, and takes 8 turns to build instead of 3
Reduced Mining Guild (kingdom) to 3 gildar per turn upkeep from 6
Fixed an issue where Kingdoms would never ever train mounted warriors (still very low chance)
-The normal Karazzan is now available for Empires as well, after researching Dread Weapons. it was previously only available to Kingdom players.
-Players can now select no more than 3 stat points upon reaching a new level with a champion
-Renamed the "Annie" unit to "Dog"
-Fixed Fireball, it now deals 4^+1^/fire shard, instead of dealing 5^+1^/fire shard
-Elementium Churners now take 75 gold to build, instead of 250. The material cost of 25 remains the same
-Fixed one issue with the Heal spell, let me know if it still isn't working
-Unhidden the following stats for all units: Strategic and Tactical Health regeneration. Updated the champion Equip UI to make room for new stats shown
-Used a bunch of unitstat tooltips to talk about game mechanics
-Journeyman's Cloak now gives 1 strategic health regen, instead of 1 sight
-New Sovereign Background: Magician - Gains +5 Magic Power from the start. This talent was given to Procipinee, replacing her old background Royalty. Also to Karavox, replacing his old background Expander.
-New Flaw: Dull mind - Unit starts the game with -10 magic Power. This flaw was given to Markinn, replacing his old flaw Ugly.
-Kul-al-Kulan now starts with Expander history instead of Warrior.
ATW: Removed spellcasting from a bunch of units that shouldn't have it. Spellcasting is for Sovereigns and Imbued Champions only.
ATW: All cities had the artificial limit of how many tiles your city can cover increased to 100, from 50
ATW: Wages have been reduced 50%. This should solve the imbalance that exists between gold and the other resources in the middle-game. Also, should make the AI harder to fight, as the AI gildar management is bad (it builds crap units until it can never afford to build good units - not anymore).
AWT: Fixed Wither spell to do what it says
ATW: Background changes to allow for new custom factions based on ExpandedFactions
ATW: All self-designed units had been set (by this mod) to give 5 experience points exactly, no matter size or strength. This was removed.
- Fireball redesigned. It now reads: "Target suffers damage modified by troopcount. Base damage is 16^ (+4^/fire shard). Each troopcount above/below 4 adds/removes 20% damage (3 men= -20%, 6 men= +40%)." changed previous calculation: "Enemy target suffers 4^ (+1^/fire shard) damage per unit member.". This is intended to slow down the scaling of the spell near the end-game.
- Sacrifice tooltip reworded - mana arrives at next turn. Now appropriately requires 20 intelligence instead of 34.
- Glyph of life now gives +20% health, instead of +20^ hitpoints. Now appropriately requires 16 intelligence instead of 28
- Summon Earth Elemental now appropriately requires 18 intelligence, instead of 29
- All shard shrines now provide 3 mana, instead of 2
- Sovereign automatically generates 2 mana per turn, instead of 1
- Players may now increase their mana generation further by a perpetual research in the wizardry/sorcery research tree. The new tech is called Attunement, and adds +5% to shrine mana generation. The research has a 25% chance to appear, and may be researched infinitely. The pre-requisite is the tech Expert Channelers.
- Removed the Empire tech "The Old Order". Empire players may now instantly research the "Order of Zaleth" technology.
- The Empire tech "Proper Living" has been moved down the tech tree. It was previously researchable from the start. It now requires that the Empire player first researches Learning, and Majesty now comes after Proper Living (instead of after Learning). Bartering and Learning is now researchable from the start (they previously required Proper Living). Compared to the Kingdom Houses, Proper Living is still more accessible as it requires 2 completed techs (previously 1) - Kingdom requires 3.
update horse tile, warg tile so they're visible in 3d mode and don't just look like a forest - steal something from elves mod?
update basic goodiehuts to give a greater variety of stuff including armor
Special thankts to:
Gobstein - for helping out with tiles for the hospital and magical forge