*NOTE: I am updating these when I feel like it. Check back often to see the pics, I've been making small adjustments to each.
Ok, so the idea behind this mod is to make each faction unique. Right now, it is focusing on the 5 normal armor sets which are gained through the warfare tech tree. Weapons are also being assigned slightly different numbers. Not necessarily to balance, per se, but to have certain factions use other weapons (instead of, for instance, all factions end up using the war staff, as it has an attack of 15). The highest attack value will still be 15, however, which weapon has the attack value of 15 will vary depending on the faction.
Note: This mod hides the core factions, and sovereigns. If you don't want to hide them (for instance you are running a mod which modifies the core factions/sovereigns), you can delete the two files in the core DF folder (DF_HideCoreFactions.xml, and DF_HideCoreSovereigns.xml).
The mod is available here: https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/elemental_war_of_magic/31/
Armor Sets
Click on any of the links below to view the armor sets for that faction and sovereign.
Carrodus (Capitar)
Procipinee (Pariden)
Irane (Tarth)
Relias (Altar)
Markinn (Gilden)
Ceresa (Resoln)
Verga (Yithril)
Kul Al Kulan (Umber)
Magnar (Magnar)
Karavox (Kraxis)
In Game Armor Sets
Fallen Leather Set A - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_LeatherA.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Fallen Leather Set B - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_LeatherB.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Fallen Leather Set C - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_LeatherC.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Arm Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Fallen Medium Set A - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_MediumA.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Leg Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Fallen Medium Set B - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_MediumB.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Fallen Medium Set B (With "cheap" texture) - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_MediumBCheap.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Fallen Medium Set B (With "rusty" texture) - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_MediumBRusty.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Fallen Heavy Set A - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_HeavyA.jpg
Chest, Arm Guard (biceps), Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Fallen Heavy Set A (With "cheap" texture) - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_HeavyACheap.jpg
Chest, Arm Guard (biceps), Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Fallen Heavy Set B - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_HeavyB.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Fallen Elite Set A - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_EliteA.jpg
Chest, Arm Guard (biceps), Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Fallen Elite Set B - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_EliteB.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Leather Set A - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_LeatherA.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Leather Set B - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_LeatherB.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Leather Set C - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_LeatherC.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Medium Set A - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_MediumA.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Arm Guard (biceps), Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Medium Set B - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_MediumB.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Heavy Set A - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_HeavyA.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Arm Guard (biceps), Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Heavy Set A (With "cheap" texture) - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_HeavyACheap.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Arm Guard (biceps), Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Heavy Set A (With "rusty" texture) - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_HeavyARusty.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Arm Guard (biceps), Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Heavy Set B - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_HeavyB.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Arm Guard (biceps), Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Heavy Set B (With "cheap" texture) - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_HeavyBCheap.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Arm Guard (biceps), Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Elite Set A - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_EliteA.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
Kingdom Elite Set B - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_EliteB.jpg
Chest, Shoulder, Arm Guard (biceps), Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greave, Vambrace, Helmet
This one is labeled as being Kingdom, but is labeled Wraith. I believe the wriaths use the kingdom model, but yet another cool armor set to use
Chest (For females too), Shoulder, Skirting, Thigh Guard, Greaves, Vambraces, Helmet
Also found this ornate helm as well.
Doublets (Shirts under the armor)
Leather - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_Shirt_Leather.jpg
Chain - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_Shirt_Chain1.jpg
Scale - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/F_Shirt_Scale.jpg
Cloth - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_Shirt_Cloth.jpg
Leather - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_Shirt_Leather.jpg
Chain - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_Shirt_Chain.jpg
Scale - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_Shirt_Scale.jpg
Sov Cloth - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_Sov_Shirt_Cloth.jpg
Sov Chain - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_Sov_Shirt_Chain.jpg
Female Archer - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_Shirt_Female_Archer.jpg
Female Archer2 - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_Shirt_Female_Archer2.jpg
Female Arming - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8949112/DF/pics/K_Shirt_Female_Arming.jpg