Note: This mod has been merged with ExpandedFactions as of 1.09p. Updates to the Elves faction will be posted only there.
The modding community proudly presents
A new Kingdom faction

The elves were once a weak race. They lived in the forests of the world, trusting in nature to provide both protection and comfort. But when the Cataclysm happened, the forests of the world died. Robbed of their living places, the elves turned to the channelers who possessed the power to bring life to the world again. The elves set about to rebuild their civilizations of old, where mighty cities, a strong arrow and hard labour protected the forests, and not the other way around. The elves, it seems, will never be weak again.
New faction: Elves
Elves play as Kingdom, with kingdom technology and Kingdom magic (all stats are standard, nothing is rebalanced)
New unit and hair skins
New city tiles for all buildings (high quality/low quality sets, low quality installed by default)
New diplomacy units for the Elves (Venomous sisters, Shrill champions, Guardians of the Drath, Forest dragons)
Includes some custom weapon models (see the headline .Weapon Skins below)
.Download links
If you do not wish to change between HighQuality or LowQuality tilesets, there is no need to touch the .rars within the .rar
Both folders should be extracted to your C:\Users\yourusername\My Documents\My games\Elemental\Mods folder. You should end up with two folders placed like this
- C:\Users\yourusername\My Documents\My games\Elemental\Mods\CPELF
- C:\Users\yourusername\My Documents\My games\Elemental\Mods\Gfx\
.High Quality or Low Quality tiles
This mod contains two tilesets that are very similar. One is considered High Quality, and one is considered Low Quality. Under production, the original tileset (High Quality) was putting a lot of strain on the FPS for the user. Thus, a Low Quality set was created out of the High Quality set. By default, the Low Quality set is used. If you wish to use the High Quality set, you can find the CPELF_HighQuality.rar inside the download package above.
.Weapon Skins
The following weapons have been added as re-skins to current weapons. They are exactly the same in every sense, except they use a custom model. They do not replace the original, you can choose from both. They are added only as an option for the user to customize his units better. Re-skinned weapons have a (*) after their name in-game.
At this point, no bow models have been included due to issues with modding.
Lord Hammer = Elven Naginata
Claymore = Elven Great Blade
Claymore = Titan's Blade
Short Sword = Elven Short Sword
Broadsword = Machete
Longsword = Huge Machete
Axe = Wakizashi
.Project info
The Elves mod is a community project, made with the intention that whoever wanted to help out could. It was to be a mod with an open door policy. The goal was to make individual modders step up and contribute with what they felt they wanted to contribute with. The objective was to put something that looked like an Elven faction in the Elemental game. The project was started on September the 15th and reached a release state on the 8th of October.
.Credits (in alphabetical order)
3DGrunge (weapon models)
crystlshake (tiles)
Djohaal (tiles)
fairwater (tiles)
Heavenfall (moderator, XML framework, tiles)
HooblaDan (tiles)
Jharii (tiles)
John_Hughes (tiles)
jshores (tiles)
Kalin (diplomacy unit, tiles)
Novaburst (tiles)
oddrheia (diplomacy unit, tiles)
Raven X (model skins)
Wintersong (XML framework)
If you are looking for information on exactly who did what, visit the original thread here:
.Info for modders
- All assets in this mod are released for general use. If you use the unit skins you must credit Raven X. If you use the weapon models you must credit 3DGrunge. If you use anything else, you must credit this mod.
- Kingdom Racemodders using a custom RaceClassification should be aware that the LIBracemod (Kingdom only) is used
- Kingdom Racemodders using a custom RaceClassification should be aware that this mod also disables Drath, Shrill, Young Dragons and Spiders for your faction. This will be removed in 1.2 of the Elves mod.
- Any racemodder using a custom RaceClassification should be aware that Sion_Head has been disabled by this mod. It will no longer automatically apply to every modeltype in game. You will need to properly assign heads as gameitemtypes to your modeltype. If you are unsure how to do this, check out CPELF_Core_Skins.xml the second half.
- If you wish to include the Elf race in your mods (please do) for equipment, armor, weapons or improvementttypes, be aware that the Elves use custom modeltypes (CPELFMale and CPELFFemale), and uses a custom tech tree (standard techs with a CPELF_* addition, so for example Logistics_Amarian become CPELF_Logistics_Amarian).
- Be aware that the Elf faction uses 100% custom buildings, armors, weapons and most accessories. Thus, this mod will work very poorly with any mod trying to rebalance the game. The elves will simply use the standard versions, not the rebalanced versions. Unfortunately, at this point, that is not easy to avoid. I have made suggestions to Stardock that will hopefully improve that situation. All improvements and itemtypes have been recreated using the naming scheme for techs (for example, K_Hut becomes CPELF_K_Hut, and ClothHelmet becomes CPELF_ClothHelmet). In effect, all itemstypes and improvementtypes have been cloned.