A Few things that need some adjustment. My thoughts, borrowed from other games and other lives.
Temples and Ruins: What I'm trying to accomplish: Give Ruins a bit more depth and RPG feel. Choose your own adventure, if you will. Quests: A strategic and almost balancing way to also increase the game. A lot of people have been mentioning how does a small kingdom with limited resources hold up to a large one? Easy: Quest your butt off. Get those magic items, allies, and extras. This could make the difference.
Here's how it works:
Ask for: Gold, Maps, Allies, or Items. Ruins should have a random modifier on what options and what guardian is watching over it.
Example 1. Ruin A. Contains the options for:
Maps: = Part of the map is revealed
Gold: = How much gold between x and x and weak guardian maybe.
Items: = Item is randomly chosen from preset options, some items rarer then others. Guardian is chosen based on value of the item, more powerful item, more powerful guardian.
Example 2. Ruin B. Contains options for
Each Ruin will randomly have X amount of the available options, and have X amount of chance for say high or low gold, common or rare items, and guardians or no guardians to get the loot.
1. Items
A. Common Items - Purchasable base items.
B. Uncommon Items - Purchasable Magic Items
C. Rare Items - Non purchasable items which may raise multiple attributes (Typical + X to abilities A.B.C.D or some combination of said abilities.)
D. Mythical Items - Something bad ass.
2. Gold
A. A lump sum of gold.
B. A reviled ruin that has gold. Only said player can see, or appears just outside of his territory.
3. Maps
Randomly reveal part of the map to the player, maybe let them choose the spot.
4. Allies
A. Give X amount of mythical allies.
B. Give location for that player only to go get mythical allies.
Temples should be a place to continually go over and over to receive quests, maybe have only a few on the map. They will do two things. Quests and Bless.
1. Quests - More quests, maybe make a thread simply devoted to players writing out quests with specific requirements and what the rewards would be.
A. Monster Quests, Kill X Amount
B. Monster Quests, Spawn Powerful Monster which you must find and hunt down. Big evil mean guy.
C. Item Quests, find and return missing item through travel, monster or bad guy spawn. Resulting in said item, or reward for return. Or simply find item.
D. Hero Quests, a specific enemy hero is targeted by a quest to be killed. The quest should point out where that hero is at that exact moment. Then the chase is on. Of course this quest is going to result in war with the other faction.
E. Hero Item Retrieval Quest, retrieve a unique item someone else already found.
F. Assembly Quests: Find X Amount of Items resulting in a very cool toy once all found and assembled.
2. Blessing - Unlimited number of units may be blessed, but each unit may only be blessed once per temple. So if a map has say 4 temples, the max any single unit could be blessed is 4 times.
A. A temple may bless your armies giving them + 1 attack and defend
B. A temple may bless your champions giving them +1 to each stat.
Comments, Thoughts, Suggestions