***This is still a Work In Progress***
I made some simple buildings for adding to the Health and Mana regeneration, which I felt needed a little boost. There are four buildings in all, one of each type for each faction. Each side gets one in their Military tech tree and one in their Magic tech tree.
You can download them Here.
The Mana regens add one more mana per turn to all units outside of tactical combat. They only take up one tile each and you can only build one per settlement.

The health regens give you five more health regained per turn to any units inside the city. They take up four tile squares and require a lvl 2 city, again only one per city.

While the buildings are abusable and can very well break the game, I dont really feel like they are any more abusable than say the Essence building that adds 50% essence to all units. Build one of those in each of your cities and see how fast you need more mana regen. Health Regen just really aids the game in a much needed area I think. Not so much in the begining but the further along as groups get bigger.
There are still things to be done. I need original Art for all of the tags(Thumbnails, Icons, Medallions. etc.) I can get by with 3 per building, but in the mean time I have used existing ones already in the game. 3 are modified from exisiting game art assets, yet it is clear my mastery of the alpha channel isnt good, as the color bleeds through too brightly on my cloth map icons.
Any talented artists out there are welcome to fill in those Icons with their own work if anyone feels like it. Your work stays your work and I point it out as such. Everyone should get credit for their own effort.
As for the buildings themselves they are a bit skimpy on the amount of objects used. I had originally gone light thinking too many objects would end up taxing the engine. After closer examination to the release buildings, I noticed they packed those tiles full of objects! So I will go back and add more things to fill out the tiles for later releases.
I plan on added another round of Health Regen buildings for much later in the game. Mana Regen I think I will hold off for now until we see how the magic revamp goes.
As a side note this is my first mod for anything that I have released. Well at least anything I can remember. I had fun making them and I hope everyone enjoys them. There will be more to come.