Very nice collection of fixes
Just want to report that Opera is reporting xml parse errors in several of the files. While I don't really know xml, they look fishy to me too. They are:
In HF106_abilitybonusGreatWarriors.xml:
There are two <GameModifier> after one another, but just one </GameModifier>
In HF106_improvements_KingdomOasis.xml
There's <ImprovementType InternalName="K_Claimed_Oasis">, but no </ImprovementType>.
In HF106_spell_Shardproof.xml, this is fishy I think:
<!-- non-damage spells-->
<!-- ****************** -->
<!-- ** Rallying Cry ** -->
<!-- ****************** -->
HF106_spell_Sprint.xml lacks a </Spells> at the end
HF106_spell_Sprint2.xml lacks a </AbilityBonuses> at the end.
HF106_unitstat_ShieldDodge.xml lacks a </PlayerAbilityTypes>
HF106_worldresource_EnrichedLand.xml and HF106_worldresource_PumpkinPatch.xml lack a </ResourceTypes>
Do these mods still work even with the parse errors?