I think the problem was that the beta testers (and I was one, although I didn't comment much which I regret) didn't know for sure, we had to extrapolate based on the information we had. We were playing very cut down limited versions of the game and it was completely obvious that it wasn't ready for release... but then Brad tells us what a huge difference there is between the beta version we are playing with and their build. That puts a big seed of doubt out there, yes it looks unfinished but maybe we are wrong, maybe they have made massive advancements in their own build and it will work?
You can see the problem. There was no true beta, just a series of alpha's really. I guess you could say the final beta version was close to a true beta and that certainly began to raise some alarm bells but by then Stardock were committed to the August release and weren't willing to listen to anyone about it being unready.
I personally felt Elemental was heading towards a trainwreck about 3 months ago when reading their planned release schedule. As a software developer I just couldn't see how they could possibly finish the game and polish it while they were still making such huge changes to the engine and fundamental gameplay. However as mentioned to my regret I didn't post my concerns... really wish I had.
This. Beta 4 was the first true beta.
That's not to bash beta 1-3. They had a specific purpose, and they did it. Beta 1 was all about the cloth map and city building mechanics. It went on for quite a while. You notice how those two things tend to work pretty well? For what it was intended to test, it worked perfectly. But it wasn't a game beta, it was an alpha. Beta 2 was effectively a MP tech demo. Again, it did its job, but it wasn't a beta in any real sense of the word.
The schedule was fine except a beta 5 was needed (and Nick found a post of me saying that in June, so at least I'm consistent!). The beta 5 we never saw is when the full game was put together and could be properly tested for things like mechanics, coherence, and balance. How well does it play as a game?
THAT phase was missing, and most of the problems people are seeing with the beta process are due to that. The testers simply didn't get to test the gameplay of the full game for very long.
The only other problem really was with Stardock's adamant desire to ignore any "this schedule is impossibly optimistic, delay the game" comments. There was a lot of them. They locked some, bashed the posters of others, and in one case just said they ignore any thread like that.
Next time, they might want to rethink that. Some people will say that no matter how long it's in beta, but when the game is coming out in 2 months and testers are saying it because they haven't *seen* 60% of the tech tree, tactical combat, mods, or diplomacy, maybe they're on to something.
(My friend at Bethesda has told me similar things when he tried the beta, and given that he's worked on some much bigger games I'm inclined to listen to him. He knows what he's talking about.)