I agree it would be nice to have, but I'd set this at a pretty low priority. If push comes to shove have it after launch or possibly in an expansion. Just having multiplayer at all is a huge improvement from GalCiv2 IMO. From Stardocks point of view I think the important part is leaving the code in a state where it's not a pain in the ass to add. Hell for all I know it's as simple as creating a new process and passing players between them.
Oh I completely agree. MP of any nature is a far, far better scenario from what we had previously. I already suspected that if it wasn't like this already that it probably wouldn't make it by launch -- unless of course; the network engineers are all sitting on their toes wondering what they can do next, given their work is 'done'.
Even if the dedicated server does run how I suspect at the moment -- one map for all players, anyone triggering a change causes everyone to switch maps -- there is still a lot we can do with the game and modding online play around this area, thanks mostly to the vast size of the maps permissable.
...Actually; that leads me into another question. I know that the 64 bit client software is almost a certainty at this point -- albeit a post release client -- and that it will likely allow for bigger maps still... But.. Will there also be a 64 bit dedicated server available? If so, and it supports the huger map sizes, would 32 bit clients be able to connect with the server doing most of the heavy lifting? Or would it still require the 64bit client regardless?
Anywho, aye. My main hope really is that we could get this at some point. So I just hope that the server software, as you say, isn't written in such a way to preclude it being added in relatively easily. 
I know this is completely off topic, but if you read your post by shouting all the words in CAPS (because caps typically mean shouting) it becomes kinda funny.
Hah, like a clean version of tourettes.