so iv been playing this beta for past couple days and the densty seems kinda kol but at same time it dose not add anything to the game it feels kinda gimiky to me.
I think the there should be some work on the time line every turn is a what one year two years five years a kid is born and then in 3 4 or 5 turns is adult and befor you know it every one is 100s of years old and you nock out these kids so fast its not even funny ?
as soon as one dies couple turns go by and you have a replacement, so its like these kids get poped out are not even important to my game.
as for dipolamcy making it some what important well maybe but not really not in a conquest game.
I feel as if something is lacking.
to make these people important to me there just not i couldnt care less about them.
i think maybe every turn should be a month and maybe they should come of age in 18 years something to make them worth something important if it takes along time to get them to adualt hood and to make them use able then they become important.
question what is point of them saying frist to the thorn your main guy never dies and can not die correct hes immortal ?
and if you lose him you lose game right ?
if that is the case i dont see point of taking him into combat ever period, and if he never dies then none of the kids can ever claim the thorn. ?
only thing kids do is act like leaders for your armys, int hat role and that role only are they of any importance to me.
but there still generic to me.
dose any one out othere feel or get feeling of being attached to any of there kids where they care if they lose them or not beucae if you do there replacement well just get poped out right after there death pretty much. ?
also curies the wife it seems kinda wired to just bame there you are married, why not have option to get married after you make a town and to be able to marry someone you pick from your town or maybe abilty to divroce and marry anthere factions kid ?
can the wife die or is she also imortal my wife lived for like till age of 350 ? then i just kinda stopped playing.