Welcome to the Elemental beta. First, let me say that if you haven't ever been part of a Stardock beta program, you're in for quite a ride.
Our betas are real betas. Some would even say they're not even that as the games send to start out very very rough and before your eyes, you will see your ideas and suggestions come together to make a great game.
There are 4 basic types of reports. When you create a post, prefece the title with one of the 4 tags:
Example: [BUG] Kingdom of Altar mining bonus not working
Once you have created the title of your post we will want to get specific.
Screenshots are very helpful. My program of choice is called Jing. http://www.jingproject.com. It will take screenshots and host your screenshots.
If your report involves a bug, telling us how to reproduce it is important.
Each time you run the game it will generate a file named debug.err in My Documents\My Games\Elemental; you can open it with notepad and post it as with the dxdiag report. Note that it will be replaced each time you run the game, so make sure to grab it right after a crash or major problem without running the game again.
If your report involves a crash or some hardware compatibility issue you think then make sure you run dxdiag.exe (just go to the start menu and run it) and make sure you post the data on pastebin.com or a similar site and link it in your report (please don't post them inline as it makes threads unreadable very quickly).
If it's a suggestion, please keep scope in mind. If it's something that is going to take months to do in order for your idea or request to be done, it's probably not going to happen.
Good luck and have fun!
Example of using Jing and its build in screencast to take an easy screenshot.
(Edited by kryo for extra reporting details.)