Most Space 4x games like GalCiv allow you to design your own ships/units. I am just thinking, wouldn't it be cool if there was a similar system to design your own units in fantasy 4x type games rather than always be provided with a set of 'canned' units? And i am talking about in-game, not mods.
You would start off with a base class like peasant, militia, soldier etc. (much like how we have frigates, destroyers and battleships). Each class would then have a maximum carry weight. You then equip stuff into the units armour slot, primary hand slot, off hand slot and a secondary weapon slot.
For example, to create a Roman-like legionaire you would need to equip scale mail, tower shield, short sword and javelins.
Different items would provide different special bonuses to make your unit unique. Shields could grant bonus defense versus missle attacks. Spears could grant first strike ability. Bows and javelins provide missile attacks.
Now, instead of researching technology that unlocked canned units, you would research tech that unlocked different items that can be used to design your units. From low tech leather bucklers, you could research wooden shields, iron shields and tower shields. From wooden spears to iron spears to pikes and halberds.
Just wanted to throw a random idea out there. What are your thoughts on this?