Alrighty, Zubaz, Yes I'll stop going off on a tangent within the topic, but lemme 'splain before it gets locked:
You see, someone says, "Punishing all for the sins of one is not cool..."
And I think to myself, "Self, that sounds a lot like the concept of Original Sin and similar concepts found within several world religions. Oh, and also forms the basis of 'group punishment' found in the basic training programs of several military organizations."
So, I figured that much could be gleened from the words of anyone that though punishing all for the sins of one is not cool.
For example:
I'm pretty sure that person isn't Catholic (see: Original Sin).
I'm really very certain that person is not and has never been a Drill Sergeant.
The odds of this person being a Catholic Drill Sergeant approach nil.
The person has fairly complex thought processes, and is able to abstract and then generalize the discomfort felt from viewing what I will affectionately term "The Rude Color Posts". So, rather than say something like, "WoW, Aesir, those posts hurt my eyes, too - and I'm just an innocent bystander!", we see the more complex concept of "group punishment" enter into the response.