GFireflyE's LH 1.5 Gameplay
Good Morning. I am documenting my gameplay in the hope that the developers can use this information to further improve the game in future updates.
I play with mods. Sorry devs, but I'm not about to spend hours of time on a game I consider could use some extra sprucing up content-wise. List of mods that I use can be found here: I've made other small changes throughout for balance reasons. None are game breaking. Those changes can be found here:
ps: To devs: Tell me if these types of notes are helpful at all....
Character Creation
- When creating a character, the Backstory section only accepts a limited number of characters. Recommend a small counter be added to show remaining characters left.
- When creating a character, the "Pick a Background' images are reversed from what the preview shows. (ie, the right side is on the left....and the left side is on the right)
- There is currently no in-game way to edit (or delete) your custom sovereigns + factions once they have been created.
- When selecting my character, the sovereign does not display the intended particle effect
Early Game - Explore - Season 1
- When finding loot, PLEASE install a 3-button set of options.
- Use - Makes immediate use of the item of loot that you pick up. (whether it's equipment or consumable)
- Equip - Opens the equip window so that you can make an informed decision as to what you want to do with the loot.
- Ok - exits the set of option and continues gameplay.
- When constructing buildings, Shift-scroll does not rotate the structures anymore. (I do have manual placement active) Was this intended? I really like being able to design my cityscapes in detail.
- On season 3 I hear AI players casting spells, but none are on my screen or have yet been revealed from fog of war.
- On season 6 I hear AI players casting spells, but none are on my screen or have yet been revealed from fog of war.
- When recruiting a new champion, the pick should not show up beside your sovereign. The pick should show up at your capital city. (what if you're sovereign were in enemy territory....or in a're new recruit would be TOAST, having to make his/her way back to your kingdom alone)
- Is it possible for the Road Building trait to also include Road Removal within it's ability???
- GREAT NEWS - Season 35 and not a single crash yet! Woot! Woot!
- Just watched Ceresa (AI) blindly attack a banshee when she had no way to even remotely come close to defeating it. Wasn't the AI immunities upgraded to prevent this type of behavior?
- Is there a way to change your capital city? There are several aspects that would benefit from such an addition.
- The 'non-continuous' unrest penalty would change, obviously dependent on ZoC.
- If a 1/faction building represented the capital (perhaps a 'Palace'), it could have inherent bonus. Obviously if it were built elsewhere, the first one would be destroyed.
- If heroes showed up at your capital, you would have some control over where that capital location was.
- There is still a pathing bug where the circles number of spaces it takes to reach an intended destination is actually 1 less than the number shown. Makes for some really annoying turns as you expect your units to make the intended trip....and they can't.
- If I build a road to the edge of a city, shouldn't the pathing be automatically completed to the city's center hub? As is, this cannot be accomplished because if I attempt to go on the next tile over to build a road, the unit is absorbed into the city. (This may matter in some cases of auto moving units)
- I was just offered tribute from Resolin. I gladly accepted, but there was ZERO strategic reason for them to make this offer. My faction power is 19. There's is 17. They are nowhere on my revealed map yet. I have no troops knowingly near their borders. Why did they just give me a pile of money?
- General Carrodus has walked onto a loot location, but has not looted the location. I suspect he's pathing to another tile, but he should probably still pick stuff up along the way.
- When a unit leaves a city, there should be some intuition for the unit to look for roads adjacent to the city; prioritizing them first if no specific tile is selected.
- When a player has the binding trait the alters, shrines, temples will inform you as to the number of turns remaining until your next spawn of a creature. However, this does NOT happen when said alter/shrine/temple is amalgamated into a city. No information is given in these instances. Is there a way to view this information?
Mid Game - Expand - Season 86
- It would be really helpful if, in the Hiergamenon, there was a search tab in addition to the others. Typing would retrieve information based on the 'titles' from all the other tabs so that you can quickly find information you are looking for instead of having to browse through the tabs.
- The 'Birth of Summer' spell could really use some sprucing up as to HOW the spell works. I'm trying to cast it on all sorts of tiles with ZERO effect. What is this spell suppose to do exactly? (note that I did increase the minvalidtile from 6.0 to 7.0 so I do suspect that this spell becomes less effective as a result)
- Casting 'Tireless March' on my Sovereign caused 3 damage to be dealt. Glitch?
- When shift-clicking units in a city to select multiple units, there cursor is quite 'jittery'.
- My Eagle Spirit was casting Titan's Breath and was preparing to cast when I used my commander's Command ability to make it the Eagle Spirit's turn again. I fully expected the Titan's Breath to finish casting....but instead the spell was lost. This should be fixed or the Command ability should explain that it cancels preparing to cast spells (which as a side note would be an odd counterspell IF command can target enemies)
- So, as I earlier warned, I received a new hero and my Sovereign is WAY out in the middle of nowhere. Now the hero has to make his way ALL the way back to my territory alone. At minimum, it's a complete waste of the heroes time and at the maximum, he DIES along the way.
and that's game...
Just received an event that poured skeletons into my territory and I had no way to bring my new heroes back in time to fend them off. It's unfortunate because I had a really nice little cove to which my two cities were thriving quite well. I did not expect enemy forces to appear within my 'safe' zone. In one fell swoop, I lost 3 of my resources and both cities. Destroyed. Season 102.
End Game Notes
- No crashes! Woot! Woot!
- Lord Relias (AI) didn't even attempt to build his first city. He died adventuring....alone....