Just wanted to drop a few lines after playing with your modifications for some hours. I like it, in general, these remarks are just for your considerations of future improvements.
About stability and performance, I got no problems. I am playing a huge random map with 14 opponents, of which 3 are my custom sovereigns I crated a long ago and are just hanging in the roster for fun. AI and world are on normal difficulty, since I haven't played for months before this. They are all Beast Lords - one kingdom and 2 empire side. I've played about 100 turns now with a newly created custom kingdom faction and sovereign - again a Beast Lord. BTW, your mods made me not to care about taming bug, as the tamed critters are no longer essential, just fun. 
And now some remarks how things have been:
1. Two my old school custom sovereigns have been annihilated by now. And the Dead too. Other AI did most of the dirty work, I just declared war on them when they were already weak and made them surrender so I got them all as vassals. I personally destroyed a custom created empire sovereign by annexing 1 of it's 2 cities. It was a very tough fight, only my sovereign made it while all 6 of his armies were killed. After that i beat the roaming stragglers and then made it surrender.
2. I am still in war with 2 of the weakest empire kingdoms, them being Ceresa and my other custom created sovereign. I was with war with mediocre Umber too for a while, they smacked my vassal Morrigan a couple of times before offering peace.
3. Capitar, Magnar and Yithril are strong, in that order. They are all above me on the scoreboard, which is refreshing. Every remaining AI outclasses me in technology, resources and prolly in number of units. I bribed Capitar and Magnar to fight each other to ensure them leaving me alone, but Yithril keeps threatening me. So far no enemy unit has attacked any of my 7 cities, the weak factions I have war with I have managed to keep at bay and intercept their armies. Capitar, Magnar and Yithril have more cities than me. All of them have expansionist behavior, which seems to live to it's idea. Other remaining AI's have 2-7 cities each.
4. Umber is rather weak still, but for my enjoyment, they are in war with Magnar and have even conquered a couple of cities from them - Magnar being way more powerful. This is great! Magnar has the most cities, I believe the count is about 11 now.
5. When I met Capitar about turn 40 or 50, they already were vastly more powerful than me. They had double the points, 9 cities, most of the available technology I guess and so far the only really dismaying thing in this mod I have encountered - they already had a premium level 15 here with dragon mount that is way too powerful, even as cool as it is. On turn 100, I only have 200 fame and I'm still far away from heroes of that class. My own sovereign is level 14 now. Why do they have so much fame? 
6. I am beginning to think the AI gets too much resource advantage in the start. Or does it need to be so to make them competitive?
7. Using gold to build city improvements works fine, in general. The gold balance seems ok. Building any structures feels to take ages - maybe AI gets the advantage with this as they may rush everything? Most of their core cities are well developed when I get to see them.
8. Mana is scarce, I have never enough to do everything I want, be it enchanting cities or heroes, summoning or using mana in combat. This, too, is great! 
9. When trading with any of the AI, their technological superiority is obvious. Take Capitar now at turn 100, for example: I have researched about 40% of the available technologies, and they got about 600 units of research in their trading pool. And they got 10 times more the resources I have. So they are not really interested in trading.
10. Archer troops are dangerous and potentially very powerful. On the other hand, every unit has "da moves with dem oil hips", so dodging an attack is quite common. Random bashes, backswings and mauls from melee units are a nice addition. In the early game my sovereign got beaten to the ground by a mauling Mite Mob, lol! All in all combat is exciting, more unpredictable and quite fun.
That's what I recall now, use this info with your future balancing if you want. Thanks for the mod anyway, you made better adjustments to the game than Stardock in more than 2 years!