I just encountered this "pleasant" experience once more, in 0.99 game. After some attempts, I was able to sign NA treaty with AI (cool relationship). Three or four turns later, AI breaks the pact and declares war. Now really, whats the point here? This is supposed to be the final version?
Every faction should get SERIOUS penalties for breaking NA pact (I am not aware of any direct penalties right now) and it should EXPLICITLY COST them something. E.g.:
- NA pact (and fresh peace treaty as well) should be completely unbrekeable for certain amount of turns (5? 10?)
- after that, breaking NA pact should give you severe penalties with all other factions (aka "Treacherous behavior = - 5") - maybe halved with Diplomat ability?
- and breaking NA pact should have some explicit cost (aka 100? 200? influence) - again, halved for Diplomat?
Otherwise, I kind of miss the point of signing the NA pact, or having it in the game entirely...