FE Editor
Current Release v0.45 (beta)
Download: (ModNexus) http://fallenenchantress.nexusmods.com/mods/10/
WinCustomize: https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/elemental_fallen_enchantress/8/
Alternate Download: http://goo.gl/6UQam
NOTE: The download now contains a text file, and an exe. Just click the exe to run. If you have an operating system other than Windows, let me know, and I will post a link for the runnable jar file.
For now, this is starting as a Race editor (Race Type). It will include an editor for creating/editing RaceTypes, Factions, and units.
Don't mind the ugly UI for now, I'm still just getting things operational:

Image shown has units contained in Heavenfall's great mod Stormworld . I set the mod directory to \Mods\Stormworld_ExpandedFactions.
At the moment, it pulls units from the core game, so you can just easily assign current units to your new race. The idea here is to make a starting base for your new race (it's much easier to clone your new race from another premade one, then modify it from there).
All units are then cloned from the selections you make, (in the above sample, everything is from the Altarian race) then are modified to be unique to your new race (changing racetype, and modeltype, internalnames, etc).
Most of the other stuff (like weapons, armor, mounts) is just taking the artdef and adding the new race's modeltype to the list of supported ones (it only picks those items of the race you selected).
Also, for the starting unit selector, if you hover over the checkbox, it will show you the unit's internalname (which contains the unit's race).
The editor exports 12 files right now, to try to help organize things:
If there's something you'd like to see in here, let me know.
Imp Inc.
Notes about how FEEditor scans files (Mainly for other modders):
The editor scans the selected mod folder for all xml files. A lot of the things gathered by the editor depend on Stardock's naming convention (ex: Blood traits start with Blood_ in their internalname).
The editor searches all xml files in the mod folder (recursively) for the AbilityBonus tag, then see's if the internal name starts with Blood_ . Right now, this is case sensitive. The description is then used for the hover over tooltip for the dropdown box.
Scans the xml files for unittype containers, and checks if the internalname starts with "Shopkeeper_" or "Sage_".
Generic Sov/Units:
Same as above , only this works a little different. It checks if the internalname contains the appropriate tags (rather than having to start with it) (ex "Generic" "Male" "Sovereign" ).
Scans xml files for unittype containers, and checks to see if the unit has the IsStartingUnit node set to 1. The display name of the unit is displayed in the hover over tooltip in the selector.
Coming soon.
Release notes:
0.1 - Initial beta release
0.2 - Fixed bug where other races didn't have heads. Recoded how they are saved out (they now have their own heads defined, rather than trying to add the new racetype to the current in game ones). This also applies to a few other things.
- Fixed mounts as well. Now, you don't get extra mounts appearing in the tech tree.
0.3 - Added menu option to set the output directory. If none is set, it defaults to MyDocs/FEEditor.
- Fixed bug in core unit exporter which was causing starting units that had a prereq to not show up for the new race.
- Added menu option to set a mod directory. This is not yet fully implemented.
- Added combobox for selecting bloodline. This will clone the selected bloodline, and adjust all core units
to have this "new" bloodline. (All the internal names get changed over. You may still want to tweak the descriptions,
and/or display name.)
0.31 - Added a check when opening to make sure the program can find the files in the selected directory
0.35 - Changed unit displays from their display name, to their internal name. You can add one mod folder, and it will scan through it recursively (this may elongate loading time though).
- The jar file is now contained in an exe, to make running it easier for everyone.
- A splash screen was added while the program loads.
- When a mod directory is chosen, the app will now restart to rescan for all xml nodes.
- Bloodline description box added on right hand side.
- The xml files are no longer displayed in the panel on the right hand side.
- Starting Unit Selector window now scrolls at a faster speed.
- Fixed issue with units being exported (it was using the wrong units to copy from).
- Iron Golems will now show up for your new races.
- Juggernauts and Henchman will as well. If either of these are selected, you will get an additional two files exported:
NOTE: As this only exports the racetype right now, after you create your new faction based on your new race, you will have to edit the new faction's xml file. You simply have to change the TechTree tag to TechTree_newrace (obviously newrace is the name of your new race). Once this is done, your faction will use the new tech tree, which contains the new techs (juggs, and/or hench). This is ONLY required when selecting one, or both of these two types of units.