I agree. Having a razed city is definately crippling, not only when you don't like the AI's location of choosing, but especially if it's your own. I like how there are spells available to you...eventually...to restore the land so that you can build again. I don't like how those spells are hard to come by, such that by the time you finally get them, you're put too far behind in the game to still be competitive.
I recommend adding a 'fallow' time limit to a city when it is destroyed. Tie it together with the cities level. Thus a level 2 city, when razed, could remain fallow for 2*10 = 20 turns. Larger cities have more impact, thus when larger cities are destroyed, it takes longer for the land to fallow. Now, if you don't want to wait and have gained sufficient magical knowledge, you can bypass that fallow period with a spell and set up roots immediately.
As to the mountains...I like them, especially by the narrow strip of land by the sea. It gives me the feel that 'you've found a spec of land that's still habitable and you plan on building an empire out of it." I respect your opinion and agree that a 'no mountain - mountain - high mountain setting may be needed in the initial startup options of the game.