Does anybody use scions? They seem awfully far down the tech tree for being pretty meh. You pay a lot for potential, but have almost no way to capitalize on it, since they can't survive any lategame battles until they hit level 10 or so, but can't gain levels without entering battle (unless you want to just leave them the city with your arena and war temple, so they can take the rest of the game to gain 2 levels).
Also, they seem to be bugged- if you have a command post, they get an extra starting level, but no trait. I haven't tried them with warrior caste, so I don't know if they get that level or not. However, they DO get a level-up trait if you edit them and give them the veteran trait. They also have no blood trait, though they are listed as Trogs (which is itself strange if you are not playing Yithril).
I really like Altar's henchmen, and I think that scions should be changed into something like that- support units that get unique traits, or weak magic (but of an offensive kind instead). It would be extra cool to give them nation-specific spells/abilities, but even just a generic set of unique abilities might make them worth recruiting.