Purpose: Analyze strategic AI behavior to identify issues with factions pop locking.
Definition: Pop locking is defined as a faction sitting at max initial population of starting capital and not building improvements, units, etc. Not doing anything to expand their faction. Watching Oprah, Springer, or Judge Judy.
Scope: Cycling 36 turns of same map from the same turn 1 save, same factions, same starting locations, same AI difficulty level, and assessing whether a faction is pop locked at turn 36. Do this over 10 different games, record results, and analyze.
- Large custom map built from "Ovia" - created an island so I can cycle turns, reduced starting positions to 10 and spread them out
- Ridiculous across the board
- Max players
- Normal pacing
- Normal sov
- Playing as Pariden - thus not analyzed as part of this test
- Used Ctrl-U cheat to see entire map
- Used Ctrl-Z cheat to cycle turns

- Gilden, Capitar, & Kraxis all pop locked twice each over 10 games - 20% chance of that occurring for those factions
- None of the other 6 factions (Pariden unknown since ran test as player Pariden) ever experienced a pop lock
- None of the ten games ever had more than 1 faction at a time pop lock
- Overall 7% chance of a faction pop locking across all 10 games and 9 factions
Since I don't know how Brad has the AI coded I'm unsure why this is occurring. There are definitely 3 factions with issues for this particular map, on this particular difficulty, and their particular starting locations. Hayelp Brad or Derek!