Game Details:
Size: medium Tech Speed: normal World Difficulty: normal Objects: no master quest or master magic, all else on
Other Settings: defaults
AI Players:
- Two Kingdoms set to Hard
- One Empire set to Hard
- One Empire set to Extreme
- One Empire set to Ridiculous
Game Progress / Info / Etc:
Started off fairly well next to two shards (fire, air) and next to a farm. I found city right away, work on founding second city as soon as I can next to a farm and a gold mine. Arcane library and oasis are also within my territory by the time of my 2nd city being founded. I found another city on an Empire's border later on in order to protect some iron. They declare war on me. The next 50 turns or so are of the AI reinforcing their cities, in reaction to the war they just declared. They are far more powerful than me. They have me out numbered. My sovereign is standing next to stacks of their armies, and they are running away from me. I cannot attack with my lonely sovereign because I, unlike the AI apparently, recognize that I will get my ass kicked if a conflict occurs. Instead I run around in their territory, stomping out their improvments (goldmine, shard, others) while they just continue to cower in fear of my lonely sovereign and rebuild the improvements that I am stomping out. I lose patience, and end the game.
Bugs (not related to AI):
- My sovereign's portrait was replaced with the portrait of a newly designed unit.
- The Arcane Weapon spell can be stacked repeatedly on the same unit. I wasn't able to cast it on my familiar.
- I hired a NPC with royality. When I put her in my city, prestige was not raised.
- The info card on improvements always state that the improvement has 0 turns left until it is constructed.
- Improvements can be built (at least by the AI) on tiles that are occupied by enemy forces.
Bugs / Issues (AI):
- The AI continues to rebuild improvements whilst enemies are right next to the improvement tile (complete waste of $$).
- The AI does not defend improvement tiles.
- The AI retreats (on the strategic map) when it has superiority in numbers and strength.
- The AI declares war and doesn't attack - they run away.
- Tactical AI is still brain dead. Entire enemy army followed my familiar around the map while I killed my enemies with arcane arrow.
- The "phase 1" save is prior to war.
- The "phase 2" saves are during the "war".
- Link to zip of saves:
- Please let me know if the files become unavailable, I'll put them back up.