Hi! Sorry if I don't provide enough information in this post, im a noob..
anyway, my copy of elemental crashes shortly after turn 1 ! (and it has done this multiple times..)
specifically it seems to occur if I try and build a hut as the first building after founding a city and accepting janusk..
Im on version 1.09w btw
I can include the debug.err program if helpful (I'm not sure what to do with it..) but let me paste the portion of it after round 1
Debug Message: - Ending Turn 1 -Debug Message: Current Memory Usage: 278056 KBDebug Message: Cities in World: 0Debug Message: Units in World: 34Debug Message: GarabageCollection - BeginDebug Message: GarbageCollection - CompleteDebugMessage: Updating ZOC.Debug Message: Janusk: Janusk_IntroductionDebugMessage: Popup Manager Update: Unhiding SpellLevelUpWndDebug Message: WARNING: (CXFileData) FindRegisteredMaterialIDByName could not find registered material with name 'lambert2SG'Debug Message: (WARNING) InitMaterialIDs could not find material ID for material 'lambert2SG'. No attributes have been applied to this material in the modelling program. Please add the material name attribute.DebugMessage: Popup Manager Update: Unhiding AIMessageWndDebugMessage: Popup Manager Update: Unhiding SpellBookPopupWndDebugMessage: Popup Manager Update: Unhiding ConversationPopupWndDebug Message: Unit Janusk traded from NPC Player to Kingdom of New Pariden.DebugMessage: Popup Manager Update: Unhiding AIMessageWndDebugMessage: Popup Manager Update: Unhiding MessageBoxNameWndDebug Message: City couldn't find CityResourceData for population at Arvisah.Debug Message: City couldn't find CityResourceData for population at Arvisah.Debug Message: City couldn't find CityResourceData for population at Arvisah.Debug Message: City couldn't find CityResourceData for population at Arvisah.Debug Message: City couldn't find CityResourceData for population at Arvisah.DebugMessage: Popup Manager Update: Unhiding LoreBookPopupWndDebugMessage: Loaded font Trajan Pro72Bold Debug Message: ERROR: (CD3D9Renderer) Unable to create mesh during ::CreateTextMesh.Debug Message: ERROR: (CDrawManager) Failed to create text mesh in ::Reload3DFont.Debug Message: ERROR: (CMapTextGraphic) Failed to create 3D font wrapper for CMapTextGraphic 'Arvisah'.Debug Message: WARNING: (CXFileData) FindRegisteredMaterialIDByName could not find registered material with name 'lambert2SG'Debug Message: (WARNING) InitMaterialIDs could not find material ID for material 'lambert2SG'. No attributes have been applied to this material in the modelling program. Please add the material name attribute.
This bug didn't exist on previous versions before 1.09.. Has anyone else had this problem?? HELP!!