We all know that the weapons and armor of Elemental are a bit out of whack. Armor scales MUCH faster than weapons and there are really only about 4 weapons which are worth your time. I did a bit of looking at numbers to see how this stuff scales.
-We are only looking at regular units here, so we are assuming a Str of 10 (no damage modifier)
-The combat system uses a Square Root of a Square of two rolls system to simulate semi-consistent randomness. As such, I am going to treat the averages of all numbers as 50% rounded up.
-A weapon is "effective" when it will deal more damage on average than an armor will soak on average (usually moderate to high damage)
-A weapon is "weak" when it will deal less damage on average than an armor will soak on average (usually low to no damage)
-A weapon is "Ineffective" when its maximum damage is less than an armor will soak on average (usually to always no damage)
-Shields are not included here. Since they are currently only used for looks by most people, they are being set aside.
-Armor upgrades on troops "in the field" is so effective and comparatively cheap as to have little to no reason not to simply use the best available armor always, and slow troop construction as materials require rather than build cheaper troops with less effective armor
-I am ignoring "combat speed" or "to hit" bonuses in rating weapons as currently stands, as hitting means nothing if you are doing no damage.
-I am assuming the current distribution and development of hit points as the basis for these numbers
Basic Ratings According to Present in-game numbers
-Present Armor Values for full set, no shield
-Padded; 4 (avg 2)
-Leather; 9 (avg 5)
-Light Plate; 14 (avg 7)
-Heavy Plate; 18 (avg 9)
-Master Plate; 22 (avg 11)
-Heavy Master Plate; 30 (avg 15)
Basic Weapons - Generally useless with the first armor tech
-Club - Weak; Padded, Ineffective; Leather
-Staff - Ineffective; Leather
Equipment Tech - Generally weak at first armor tech and useless with second
-Axe - Weak; Leather, Ineffective; Light Plate
-Spear - Weak; Leather, Ineffective; Light Plate
-Dagger - Ineffective; Leather
Weaponry Tech Generally useless at Heavy Plate
-Short Sword - Weak; Leather, Ineffective; Hvy Plate
-Mace - Weak; Light Plate, Ineffective; Heavy Plate
-War Staff - Weak; Heavy Plate, Ineffective; Heavy Master Plate
First Cut/Blunt Tech Generally useless at Heavy Master Plate
-Bastard Sword - Weak; Heavy Plate, Ineffective; Heavy Master Plate
-Battle Axe - Weak; Heavy Master Plate
-War Hammer - Weak; Leather, Ineffective; Light Plate
Superior Cut/Blunt Tech Generally weak to Heavy Master Plate (and the only weapons that are reasonably well balanced for the current armor ratings)
- Long Sword -Weak; Heavy Master Plate
- Battle Hammer - Weak: Heavy Master Plate
Expert Cut/Blunt TechUseful against all armors
-Claymore - Useful against all armor
-Karrazan - Weak; Master Plate
-Lord Hammer - Useful against all armor
This is incredibly unbalanced as armor scales much faster than weapons do. It is even more stark when compared against the difficulty of getting groups, and how little group of warriors can do to a single model in Heavy Plate unless they are also wielding advanced weapons.
Currently, a group of 8 models with Spears will do close to nothing to a single model in light plate. 8 men with sticks should be able to beat a man in light plate senseless somewhat easily.
Ideal Obsolescence By Category
-“Weak” means that the weapon average is less than the armor average roll
-“Ineffective” means that the weapon maximum is less than the armor average roll
-Basic; Weak; Leather, Ineffective; Light Plate
-“Equipment”; Weak; Light Plate, Ineffective; Heavy Plate
-“Weaponry”; Weak; Light Plate, Ineffective; Heavy Master Plate
-1st Cut/Blunt Tech; Weak; Heavy Plate
- Superior Cut/Blunt; Weak; Heavy Master Plate
-Expert Cut/Blunt;
Weapon Damage Proposal by Tech group
-Weapons Damage should be relatively consistent by tech class
-Weapons which do more damage than their tech group should have an attack speed penalty
-Weapons which do less damage should have abilities which offset the direct damage
-2 Handed weapons should do approximately 130% of the damage of one handed weapons in the same tech class, not 250%
-Basic Tech Group; ~5 Max Damage, ~3 Average, ~6 2h
-Equipment Tech Group; ~8 Max, ~4 Average, ~10 2h
-Weaponry Tech Group; ~10 Max, ~5 Average, ~13 2h
-1st Cut/Blunt Tech; ~12 Max, ~7 Avg, ~16 2h
-Superior Cut/Blunt Tech; ~14 Max Damage, ~7 Avg, ~18 2h
-Expert Cut/Blunt; ~16 Max Damage, ~8 Avg, ~22 2h
Armor Proposal by Tech Group
-General Unit armor selection really doesn’t need to be an “a la carte” selection. We all just put all the best stuff on anyhow. Give us a “leather armor” tag, throw the whole suit on and call it good.
-These numbers are for the “full suit” minus shield.
-Light Plate Mail is the earliest suit which should obsolesce any weapon aside from perhaps the basic Club
-Padded; Armor; 4, Avg; 2
-Leather; Armor; 6, Avg; 3
-Light Plate; Armor; 8, Avg; 4
-Heavy Plate; Armor; 10, Avg; 5
-Master Plate; Armor; 14, Avg: 7
-Heavy Master Plate; Armor; 16, Avg; 8
Benefits of the Above Suggestion
It was widely touted on marketing of this game that you could focus on large hordes of weak troops or small, elite forces. As currently stands, there is absolutely no way for a rag tag group of miscreants with spear to do any damage at all to even a single Plate-Clad knight. Similarly, there is absolutely no way for any model in the game to contend with a group of even 4 Heavy Master Plate wearing knights with Claymores.
Extending the obsolescence of weapons by reducing armor values (on units) allows large units with weapons which are weak against a particular armor to compete at some level. If 8 men are jabbing at a single knight doing an average of 1 point per hit, they are still doing close to 8 points of damage (of his potentially ~30 hit points) as compared to his single axe hit, dealing ~10 or so damage unmitigated by armor (they are miscreants, after all). Groups become dangerous again. Wild animals are a concern until you are plate clad.
Shields becomes useful not only as a way of offsetting dodge losses to armor (because dodge is more important when things are capable of wounding you with more weapons), but they become far more useful when the 2 handed weaponry isn’t so blindingly obviously the choice.