*** 1.09t was released on 12/10/2010 ***
1. Fixed crashes.
2. Token of the Sand Golem now correctly summons Sand Golems (instead of normal golems).
3. Crazy stat creatures (like the 45 con wolf) from the campaign wont spawn in the main game anymore.
4. Adjusted the hp modifiers at high difficulties.
Challenging- AI Creatures *1.25, AI Sovereign *1.5 (was *1 and *1)
Hard- AI Creatures *1.5, AI Sovereign *2 (was *1 and *1.5)
Extreme- AI Creatures *2, AI Sovereign *3 (was *2 and *3)
Ridiculous- AI Creatures *3, AI Sovereign *5 (was *5 and *10)
5. Fixed the Azur Armor quest.
6. Made the Sand Golem weaker.
7. Camapign spiders now named properly (not using internal name for display name)
8. AI Difficulty levels properly saving out (but only if explicitly set by the player, otherwise they are derrived from the world difficulty).
9. Several Spells updated to have SFX.
10. Quest Trackers will now find units by ID instead of Index (fixes "non-sovereign heroes can't complete quests" random buginess).
11. Fixed a crash from Call of the Titans.
12. Added the Garden improvement (Kingdom only).
13. Added the Skath Pit improvement (empire only).
14. Removed the Life spellbook tech (all kingdom players already start with the Life spellbook).
15. Added a Smelter improvement for the Empire to give them a way to boost metal production.
16. Fixed a bug with the cloth icon for the university improvement.
17. Fixed a bug with the construction tile design of the Abbey of Izil.
18. Changed the Kingdom Smelter improvement to be one per city.
19. Fixed the Empire Academy improvement to properly give tech research (instead of gold).
20. Added the ability to spawn crystals to the Empire tech Keepers of Avarice.
Known Issues:
1. There is currently no way to target a unit in an army for a strategic spell (without breaking him out of that army, which is a pain).
2. In the design a unit screen off hand items appear black. It is because they are being lit from the wrong side.
3. At the victory/defeat screens, the music level ignores your settings.