I feel there are several issues here that get co-mingled in all the posturing by the various "interested' parties. Yes, jammie violated both the law, and a strict understanding of stealing. She is being held accountable. She should pay the going rate for the intellectual property she stole, and some sort of reasonable fine, community service, or whatever. And that is as it should be.
However, there is a grave injustice built into our system of fines. When a millionaire speeds and gets ticket for 100.00, that is loose change - trivial. Fine one of the working poor the same amount - and you have taken 1/2 their wages for the week. Totally disproportionate "justice." Our system of fines need to be based on the violators real net worth, etc., to be truly fair. Otherwise, the fine, for the wealthy, is merely a nuisance fee they pay - for having been caught.
Also, in what context is copying 'intellectual property' theft? A song broadcast over the (public) airwaves is recorded, and played at home. Is that theft? You record the current episode of your fav show. You play it later. Is that theft? It will be soon, when the broadcast / cable industry figure out how to apply the software license mechanism to movies, videos, and music. Soon...
The recording company(s) (four of them, I believe) have indicated they are not going to demand the multi million dollar settlement from jammie. To do so would be tantamount to indentured servitude. They are not stupid. The music industry is looking for, found, and created, a set of legal precedents to put teeth into enforcing their rights. This is also as it should be. Now, lets see if they do the right thing with their new found teeth. Forget the small fry, and go after the people who make money off this form of theft: the "sharing" sites made money- so nail them. Have they? China and Russia (and I am sure other nations, including usa) have thriving dvd - video industries selling illegal copies of music, movies, etc. Will this extend to those 'organizations' who do have deep pockets?
Who needs movies when real life is so full of ....
my three cents...