My guess is that Stardock typoed something, or some other legitimate mistake on that. Taking it down, if intentional, is too stupid for it to have been done intentionally, especially after a release of a game that has been fairly criticized for being rushed. This game did need 3 more months of beta, maybe more. It's enjoyable in its present state, but releasing it early to me, has hurt SD's reputation among general fans (not us so much). The criticism Stardock is taking- to me it's valid. I don't agree with the more shrill criticisms, but there are things worth being critical about- and I'm saying this as a fan who is satisfied with the state the game is in right now. I mean, if the game wasn't rushed- we'd still be in beta, so I'm not worse off (and am likely better off actually from the rushing).
While personally, I'm satisfied- if this has been a non-SD game, from a company that does not have SD's reputation for improving things- I know I'd be a lot more critical. I do have concerns that what is happening will hurt SD's reputation, which is easy to lose but hard as hell to regain (things aren't fair when it comes to reputation).
That said, one good thing about Stardock, is that every time they mostly finish a game's lifecycle (never say never with SD, they updated GalCiv1 a couple years ago)- they go over things, point out their own mistakes, and learn from it. I think one of the lessons that will be learning from Elemental, is that a rushed game is always rushed, a great game is great forever (this will likely end up both) Another lesson is never got complacent that a game is finished- a lot of problems that were fixed, came from us betas getting the gold release. If they had given us gold when gold was out, I think it's quite possible more things would have ended up fixed today.