I know my version of Dawn of Discovery is the pre perma-internet conenction version. Good thing too.
And yes-I would give me moneys to them for NOT making it a internet-required game (it's single player, duh!) The director's version is also waaaayyyyy better, just the fact that the loading time is cut by 90% is a God-send (I got turned off by the Witcher during chapter 2 in the city: all those 5 minutes loading time going into a building, talk to some guy, then out, then into another building killed the beat of the game.)
As for Dragon age, I got turned out seeing that Wizard woman wiht the super-loose top..AGAIN a game with some scantly dressed magic user, and the limited number of races, classes and the like, but still with that D&D flavour, but without calling it D&D.
Cat's a cat, dog's a dog, none of that purring canine business for me.