But you can see how that it "Could" come across as a personal attack though right? Because you are accusing the architect of his personal project, that he's out to make a few bucks on the side. That is not directed to the world, as a point of valid brain storming. That was in essence directed to Brad. Which based upon your answers, would honestly seem to indicate a sense of complete ignorance on this subject of the person and the game in general. (And that's not required to function in life or play a game. But knowing about what your speaking is useful when trying to avoid putting ones proverbial foot in mouth.)
He is SELLING the book. To say he wants to make a few bucks on the side is the truth, he could easily just paste the lore onto an elemental wiki for free. Seeing as its being sold, what I said was true.
Your concerns about having to worry about "Lore" intermingling with your "Sandbox" game, is something you are personally going to have to assess. Every game comes with it's own internal background lore. And you don't have to like it. That's your option. As far as what it's going to do in the Sandbox. Well if your playing the basic game, the simple predication will be unless you add mod's that achieve a style your going for. You will be presented with the game world and lore of Elemental: War of Magic, as it exists when it goes live and out on retail.
This is my key problem: I bought it not realizing that I was, as you say in a few sentences, some guys "pet project". I thought it was a game with its customers interest at heart, and in turn assumed the gameplay wouldn't be sidelined by an excess of backstory: I play strategy game because I can make my own world, not so I can be allowed to meander through someone elses
If you don't like that, you are free to mod the game yourself, or with others. Or make your own game.
When I said this attitude was dangerous and lazy, I didn't mean the devs are the only ones being lazy. As a customer you have the right to buy a product that functions as described without modification from day 1. Patches, and the concept that developers can release a broken product and fix it later developed out of this type of attitude. As a player I shouldn't have to do anything else to get what I paid for (note: I don't expect them to turn this into MY personal fantasy world - im okay with modding that. I dislike it coming packed as someone elses.). Having actually dabbled in programming I HAVE made my own (shoddy) games. They were fun for me and free and just dandy. I paid for this product, and in turn feel I can vent my worries (which is all these really are: The game is barely even in beta) without being turned away for a differing opinion.
See Brad is Making HIS own game. This is HIS company. These are HIS pet projects, that in turn he gets to share with, a massive audience. Your concern about modded and lazy paths. Is purely an opinion, and you're free to express that, irregardless of those who respond. But your speaking from a definitive perspective, stating as fact that this is a dangerous or lazy and now you've insulted them by a passive aggressive proxy statement and strawman argument. Your melodrama is the source of friction. And if he felt offended, because you in a short paragraph insulted him, and his works, which you clearly know little to nothing about. His feelings are valid because he is the whole shebang on this. (Meaning the work he's put into this over the last 2 decades. Which in turn sounds like his own personal D&D game world. But he's putting it into a grander scale, and we can choose to partake of that at our choice, ala the campaign.)
This is all fine, and shows that you are actually a capable and reasonable person. Let me just point out the crux of my issue
But he's putting it into a grander scale, and we can choose to partake of that at our choice, ala the campaign
< that. Is it ONLY the campaign, which I would definitely give a shot to if it was fun, OR is the entire sandbox mode tainted by the lore. My issue is that I am afraid that I am simply going to be replaying the same fantasy world time and again on different maps, which will rapidly get old, getting less replay out of me and devaluing the investment I made in the game.
BTW - I made several DnD worlds for my friends and I to play. When they didn't like something about it, I adapted it in future works to make it better. Art from adversity. I didn't pout angrily, I simply tried harder. The result was positive for everyone, despite being disappointing in the short term.
Your response in the second paragraph, leaves a lot to be desired. Because you may not be clear, the way it reads is an insult, compounded by ignorance, and turning a bit trollish. Followed by your comments about purchasing a game and being openly critical. That last part is truly okay but not about purchasing the game. Being critical isn't an issue. It's your use of the tone of being critical that causes the friction.
I am not a fourteen year old using moms credit card to buy the game. I am a college kid, and believe it or not the game was a sizable investment for me in terms of disposable income, hence why I keep pointing out how I feel I have the right to criticize. They probably don't care about a single customer, which in turn is why I am attempting to bring the issue to light. Criticism could have saved alot of failed triple A titles in the past, even if someones feelings got hurt along the way
Because your approach is couched in doom and malfeasance if they don't build the game to your specifications and demands
I like the current game engine, hence why I want a quality game attached to it. I don't want anything in particular, but I was led to believe this was going to be an epic TBS strat game, which usually don't rely entirely on one storyline to make or break the product. Maybe my approach is harsh: most reviewers will be worse, should the game warrent it. And alot more public.
(Which again, if you want to fund your own development house, and dictate what is made and isn't, feel free to do so just like Brad.).
I kinda wanted to just buy a game... I guess that was wrong of me.
In truth EndofDayz you may not have realized your approach was insulting. But it was, irregardless of whether you can fully comprehend it and why. Because Brad... he's not a Soccer playing who has someone run past him lightly brush him, and have him throw himself to the ground, writhing in imaginary pain. If he stated his feelings here, he was aggrieved.
LOL, very nice. And I do realize I am being somewhat abrasive (Didn't think it was insulting: It is only a game. If someone told me a paper I wrote was really bad, I wouldn't let it tear away at me personally.). But again: Not a 14 year old trolling, a legitimate customer with concerns. Note that if it makes brad feel better, I really like the way the game plays, just not the backstory.