What would be funny is EA executives being prevented from buying previously owned homes.
"Sorry Sir, you have to buy a new home from the construction company. You're not allowed, you see, to buy a used home - that cuts into my profit margin, being a (land) development company. You'll just have to tear it down. Now now, don't get upset, it's just business and we need to take care of our profit margin. It was a might bit tricky, to get the law passed, but now it's passed and that's just the way it is.
Oh come now don't make that long face. You can get a pretty cheap home built for you in Utah these days. You don't mind moving out of California, do you? And if you buy it new, I'll even throw in an extra towel rack, some blankets for your horse - you do own a horse, right sir? - and some copies of National Geographic.
Oh I know you were hoping to settle down in a nice little place here with your family. But come now, be reasonable."