*Updated* - 10/05/2010. 1 new icon has been added!
Nice work.
The OP has been updated with 2 new icons. Enjoy!
I like
1 more icon has been added, I think it's the best one so far.
Hm....I gotta make one with the Balrog!
Very nice yes
Thanks! Ok, I've uploaded a new icon, and deleted the first 4 icons, because those weren't good enough imo.
Good work.
Though i hope Stardock makes a desktop theme out of Elemental.
I've uploaded 1 more icon. I hope that you lads will like it!
Maybe some new EWoM fans would like to use some of these [OD] icons.
Very cool, you should upload them to WinCustomize.
Check this one out: https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/windowblinds/7157/
Thanks! I have no experience with WinCustomize, but I will check it out!
Sweet! Very well done!
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