Is there any kind of Resurrection in the game or what?
One of the main concepts, which specific reasons are still uknown to us, is that if your Sovereign, a figurine in the map that can actually do many things included exploring, dies then you lose the game. We don't know what happens if it's an enemy Sovereign who dies: does his Empire join you? Does it shatter in tiny and independent Baronies? Do those lands fall into total anarchy for a time in civil war and unrest while the descendant of the deceased Sovereign fight for the reigns of power?
Back on topic, the dead of the Sovereign is huge thing in this game (hate it or love it). For purpose of this thread I'm going to ignore alternate ideas like the lineage one (I like it and would love to be able to play a non canon game with such mechanics... maybe a mod that doesn't use Sovereigns and just heroes). It's just about the Sovereign and death meaning game over. And resurrections.
I like the idea of contingency plans: be them structures, spells, trained personnel... If the Sovereign is so important, we need a variety of mechanics that can fit the canon lore, be fun, offer diversity and make sense. Specially make sense.
A Sovereign can is an special individual. Just a few of them inhabit the canon world (24) and altough they can imbue other beings with Essence and make them channelers, they are the most powerfull channelers that the game can have (only ones that would be close are Dragons... that altough they start stronger than a Sovereign, this last one can level up while the Dragon is "static" and limited in it's powers in comparison with the Sovereign). The Sovereign can bring life back into the land itself. Allow other creature to channel magic imbuing them with Essence. He can cast spells that as he levels up and researches will reach the point of literally shaping the world to his will. He is power.
What has all this to do with Resurrection? Well, if the Sovereign dies it's game over. Why? Obviously, because no one has the power to resurrect him. Why else? And how is that no one has that kind of power? Maybe because the only one that could actually bring a body back to life and restore the mind (/soul?) in it, would be a powerfull in extreme Sovereign (as I said, the most powerful channeler in the world).
This could be negated saying that the Sovereign can bring the land to life (twisted or not) but plants don't have complex nervous systems or anything like that. They don't require to recreate a complex matrix of neurons and all the information in it. Yes, I sound very serious with this kind of pseudoscientific approach but that's my way of trying to make myself understood (I'm going to fail but I try). All that would mean that only a truly powerfull (and wise) Sovereign could actually try to resurrect anyone (but himself). So if your Sovereign dies, you ronly hope would be to have an ally Sovereign with the power to actually resurrect you (and the interests... did you know that your now Sovereignless lands look quite interesting?).
And that is supposing that any being in the game can actually make the miracle of restoring life, memories (and souls?) to a dead being (even if with strong ties to the Essence). Because if there is no being able to do that (even if hitting level cap of... levels and magical research) then we have a new situation: it's not just that if your Sovereign dies you lose the game, it also means that each Hero who dies is lost forever. And that's quite a big deal right there. It won't suppose the end f the game but it can suppose a quite a big problem to lose all those efforts invested in him and not being able to resurrect him. Which is actually fine for me but until now I had the idea of resurrecting heores as a staple and now I'm not so sure. At this point (leveled) Heroes become even more important than usual, which is good, with the potential of being frustrating to lose them. But life isn't fair? 
But someone could counter: But Frogboy said once something about being able to create units like "clerics". Well, I don't remember that exactly but it might not solve it. We don't know how the imbue works. I'm supposing that when you imbue a unit (Hero or regular unit), you don't just give him some Essence (that will increase in each level up but not as much as with the Sovereign) but you can also give him a spell/skill based in the spells you already know (Healing Spell allows you to give a unit that spell, while researching Fireball allows you to imbue them with that spell). So if "clerics" are suppose to be as classic as in your usual fantasy rpg, that means that the Sovereign can resurrect and that your "clerics" can learn that too. Which makes possible to say that if the Sovereign dies, it's possible to resurrect him (if you have "clerics").
Unfortunately, it's not so simple. Maybe the Sovereign can resurrect other beings and maybe he can share that power. But maybe channelers can only resurrect being of similar or lower power (not just talking about levels here) which would make impossible for the "clerics" to resurrect the Sovereign (or a Dragon). Hell, maybe resurrection can actually resurrect anyone of any power/level... but only if it was recent. So if it happens during the battle, then it's fine (or end of battle if autobattle used?). But anything else is just too late for it to work.
Considering that I don't think that the Sovereign droppinig to 0 or less health in battle is auto gameover (he is special, give him a break!) but that represents him being unconscious for the battle and that he will survive if the battle is won, the previous idea could make some sense but we wouldn't be talking so much about Resurrection but some kind of awakening spell. The problem for myself is that I'm sure if Heroes will work the same or not.
And whenever I talk about bring back to life, (intelligent as if alive) unlife counts too.
Anyways, just some (incomplete) ideas that concerns me about the SD=GO, HD=??? and the true meaning of life in the canon world. If any of you truly read al of this, survived and isn't infuriated with me: you deserve one point of Karma and my thanks for just bothering reading something that won't (probably) matter in the long run. After all, this is pure speculation about something we don't know about.