Stardock responded to my last Survey and requested some System Spec info so I created a new Survey asking for this info and added some questions about the crahes, hangs, and bugs you are encountering.
Survey is at
---- Results for 100 responses ----
What operating system do you run?
Windows XP (32 bit) 37.0% 30
Windows XP (64 bit) 3.0% 3
Windows Vista (32 bit) 19.0% 19
Windows Vista (64-bit) 24.0% 24
Windows 7 18.0% 18
What type of video card do you use?
ATI 37.4% 37
NVidia 59.6% 59
Intel Integrated Graphics 3.0% 3
Do you primarily run the game in full-screen or windowed?
Full-screen 78.0% 78
Windowed 22.0% 22
Can you run the game at your monitor's maximum resolution without graphical problems (Artifacts, lines, black or white screen, etc )?
Yes 85.7% 84
No 14.3% 14
Resolution that has problems
Anything above 1024x768
Are you connecting directly to the internet when playing, or are you using a proxy server?
Direct connect (Cable, DSL, etc) 95.9% 93
Proxy Server (Connect through a network that runs a proxy server) 4.1% 4
How many monitors are you using on your computer?
One 93.9% 93
Two 6.1% 6
More than two 0.0% 0
How often do you encounter the following errors?
Rarely Sometimes Mosttimes Every time Never Avg Count
"Application failed to start"
7.4% (5) 5.9% (4) 0.0% (0) 1.5% (1) 85.3% (58) 1.70 68
Crash at startup/splash
27.3% (18) 1.5% (1) 1.5% (1) 4.5% (3) 65.2% (43) 1.52 66
Crash upon clicking during splash/intro video
20.3% (13) 3.1% (2) 1.6% (1) 0.0% (0) 75.0% (48) 1.25 64
Crash upon pressing PrntScrn during splash
10.0% (6) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 90.0% (54) 1.00 60
Crash upon advancing turn
26.2% (17) 21.5% (14) 6.2% (4) 0.0% (0) 46.2% (30) 1.63 65
Crash after loading savegame
4.8% (3) 16.1% (10) 4.8% (3) 11.3% (7) 62.9% (39) 2.61 62
Crash after selecting research item
7.8% (5) 3.1% (2) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 89.1% (57) 1.29 64
Crash upon returning from alt-tab
12.5% (8) 12.5% (8) 7.8% (5) 9.4% (6) 57.8% (37) 2.33 64
Crash upon new game start
9.4% (6) 7.8% (5) 1.6% (1) 6.3% (4) 75.0% (48) 2.19 64
Crash upon player sovereign death
6.5% (4) 4.8% (3) 1.6% (1) 1.6% (1) 85.5% (53) 1.89 62
Crash upon initiating combat
12.3% (8) 3.1% (2) 1.5% (1) 0.0% (0) 83.1% (54) 1.36 65
Crash upon setting construction
10.9% (7) 7.8% (5) 0.0% (0) 1.6% (1) 79.7% (51) 1.62 64
Crash upon building invalid mines
9.7% (6) 6.5% (4) 6.5% (4) 1.6% (1) 75.8% (47) 2.00 62
Crash upon clicking "new game" after playing in same session
14.5% (9) 6.5% (4) 3.2% (2) 4.8% (3) 71.0% (44) 1.94 62
Crash upon spamclicking unit inventory items
8.2% (5) 1.6% (1) 0.0% (0) 3.3% (2) 86.9% (53) 1.88 61
OOM crash
10.2% (6) 1.7% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 88.1% (52) 1.14 59
Assorted/random crashes
30.2% (19) 23.8% (15) 1.6% (1) 3.2% (2) 41.3% (26) 1.62 63
Hang/crash during road construction
9.7% (6) 21.0% (13) 4.8% (3) 0.0% (0) 64.5% (40) 1.86 62
Hang shortly after loading saved game
8.6% (5) 10.3% (6) 6.9% (4) 5.2% (3) 69.0% (40) 2.28 58
Hang upon simultaneous completion of two temples
5.4% (3) 1.8% (1) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 92.9% (52) 1.25 56
Hang upon alt-tab
11.1% (7) 19.0% (12) 12.7% (8) 19.0% (12) 38.1% (24) 2.64 63
Hang upon victory
8.3% (5) 13.3% (8) 0.0% (0) 1.7% (1) 76.7% (46) 1.79 60
Hang upon attempting to exit program after victory
8.2% (5) 8.2% (5) 4.9% (3) 0.0% (0) 78.7% (48) 1.85 61
Hang at world generation
14.3% (9) 11.1% (7) 3.2% (2) 3.2% (2) 68.3% (43) 1.85 63
UI textures jumbled
11.1% (7) 7.9% (5) 4.8% (3) 1.6% (1) 74.6% (47) 1.88 63
Map texture visual corruption
15.4% (10) 21.5% (14) 4.6% (3) 7.7% (5) 50.8% (33) 2.09 65
Map does not render after alt-tab
7.8% (5) 4.7% (3) 10.9% (7) 35.9% (23) 40.6% (26) 3.26 64
World view fails to appear with high settings
9.8% (6) 3.3% (2) 0.0% (0) 4.9% (3) 82.0% (50) 2.00 61
Map missing/gamestate merged after load or new game in same session
9.8% (6) 4.9% (3) 9.8% (6) 36.1% (22) 39.3% (24) 3.19 61
Text from underlying windows shows through save/load screen
8.1% (5) 8.1% (5) 9.7% (6) 17.7% (11) 56.5% (35) 2.85 62
Edge-scrolling issues
9.4% (6) 6.3% (4) 17.2% (11) 40.6% (26) 26.6% (17) 3.21 64
Selection/destination cursor, city limits flickering/layering issues
7.7% (5) 27.7% (18) 15.4% (10) 6.2% (4) 43.1% (28) 2.35 65
Cursor hotspot does not match "point" of cursor
15.4% (10) 21.5% (14) 13.8% (9) 20.0% (13) 29.2% (19) 2.54 65