well, it comes up "how many pre-orders are there?" I mean, honestly? There can't be more than 400 right? which means we all have 1/4 chance to be in anyway (I'm pulling these numbers completly out of my butt. For all I know there is 5000 pre-orders, and I guess I wouldn't be surprised)
point is, we may not know who was or was not pre-selected just because of the numbers that get in. One might be able to guess (has 1 karma, 3 posts on sins, demigod, and elemental forums combined, and no other interaction... probebly a random selection) but since the pre-selected are also including people who have helped out a lot in games of the past and perhaps not so much influence in elemental so far, there are a lot of people who may be a bit too borderline to be sure.
edit: igonore the next paragraph, its exactly what the post above me said
(I'm picking on scoutdog to be my example, because he's under 18 and may not be able to sign the NDA anyway. Not to actually suggest anything about him.) If scoutdog was picked, would it be random, or would be one of the pre-selected? Scoutdog has certainly been around here plenty, and I recall seeing him on most (or all) "where do you fit in" lists, I'm sure he's known my all the regulars, and he's got plenty of karma. But those lists did not include people who have helped SD with every game since GC2 that just happen to not have jumped into elemental yet, or have but not to the extent that scoutdog has. So I'm not sure how close the "do you fit in" lists reflect the actual pre-selected group.