The problem with blind systems is that after the first time, they are no longer blind. You know what to expect, and research accordingly.
It's blind. Not chaoticly randomized.
While you know exactly what techs are in what category and what the prereqs are, you can never be certain as to what you're getting, unless there's only a single tech left in that category (which does, and should, happen). It's hard to explain how this randomization works, short of playing Alpha Centauri.
I don't particularly care either way but if a blind research system was used I would at least want to control the general direction research takes.
Yes, otherwise it's just random and infuriating, as you end up researching an entire line of crap and end up getting no war techs.
From what I've heard about MoM, I think I'd like that for spell research. But still definately GalCiv-influenced 'blind' "Alpha Centauri"-styled tech research.