In terms of the beta, all users who pre-order have access to the beta program.
But we are looking to have a private Beta 0 or pre-beta or late alpha or something available before the beta program begins that will largely go to users with high karma / have GalCiv II / Sins / Demigod so that we can make sure the first beta works. There's a lot of new tech going into this that we will need some outside testing with.
So if i was already thinking of purchasing Demigod, now seems like a must.
Does The Political Machine 2008 count? I made a Drow as candidate once:

Here is a token of my good will as beta tester:

Must... gather... more... karma!!
Sad, really sad. Devaluation of Karma in three, two, one... 
*sigh* (yes, i know most just joke about it... but most is not all)