I found Birth of Summer and Bloom of Twilight to be difficult to use because you can't tell for sure if they'll do anything until after you've cast them, and they are expensive at 200 mana. So I modded them to have a radius of 4 so you're likely to reveal something. However, while I didn't change the casting cost, I'm charged 400 mana for Birth of Summer. I can cast it with only 200 mana available, but it sends me into negative mana. I didn't change the cost, just the radius, so I don't know why it's costing me more. It's like it's casting it twice at once.
This may have screwed up a game I was enjoying. I cast the spell and got a nice conclave location but had -200 mana. It shut down all my enchantments, even the free ones, but I decided to live with it and just wait for it to refill. However war was declared by a custom race I made. They're wraith and I was really playing up the evasion bonus they have by also making them lucky. Plus, being on a higher difficulty level gave them bonus traits, like reflexes that give more evasion. AND I didn't have the no armor weakness so they have armor too. They're near touchable. At best a champion of mine can maybe get 40% hit rate. Others have less than 30%, and an archer has 3%. Even militia can't be killed. And as you recall I lost all my mana and at this point was still down by 100. This means I have no combat spells. I can reload to before I used BoS but I'll be very disappointed if magic doesn't help. I was enjoying this map and I'd hate to not be able to play out a game on it. Don't suppose there's a way to save the map and start it again after changing mods?
I still don't like the AI getting bonus evasion. That much random chance is frustrating to play against. I looked at CoreDifficultyLevels.xml but I can't find any reference to free traits for their units. I found reflexes in AIAbilities.xml but I can't find anything that sets what difficulty level the AI gets it at.
Can anyone help me out here?